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Mosque open day

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could not have said it better myself. what has happened to the obvious missing posts???
You mean the one I remember replying to, about the questions to be asked? I see it seems to have disappeared. I suppose we won't get any answers, too difficult a subject for an open day, maybe? We all saw it though so removing it seems a bit superfluous.


I would have liked to get an answer about the 'thighing' from the horse's mouth, as although I've looked it up online, and it doesn't look good, you can't believe everything you read. Although, if it IS sanctioned as 'halal', it could explain some things.

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Numerous posts have been removed as although they are valid questions they don't have a place on discussions of an open day. If we feel discussions over a social event have run their course i'd be happy to close the thread.

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I don't think they're really that interested in meeting others from outside their own culture, more that they want to dispel the suspicions about what goes on in their mosques, lull us back into the acceptance people used to have before the terrorist outrages of 9/11 and 7/7 happened.


Muslims often say we should educate ourselves about their religion, as though somehow the more we know the more we'll be ok. I feel it's the other way round, the more I find out, the less I like it. We'd more or less got rid of most of the churches, now they're filling up the gaps with mosques. Bad times.


Key word here... that's the problem these days, too many people think and not enough get off their backsides to go and find out, with an open mind! So many imbecile's on here, it's scary!

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Let me guess, this is about muslims so it has descended into hatred and distrust?


This forum is becoming ragingly intolerant.


Becoming? It has been for some years. Its the shame of Sheffield.


On the other hand ... Is this forum reflecting what is becoming an increasing worry amongst the wider population?


I would love to see a thread started for civil level headed discussion on the whole issue,but I'm afraid,as usual,it would be overwhelmed by zealots on both sides of the argument/discussion.

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On the other hand ... Is this forum reflecting what is becoming an increasing worry amongst the wider population?


I would love to see a thread started for civil level headed discussion on the whole issue,but I'm afraid,as usual,it would be overwhelmed by zealots on both sides of the argument/discussion.


My Bold=

Worried about Islam, seriously it's just hatred pure and simple!

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My Bold=

Worried about Islam, seriously it's just hatred pure and simple!


I would agree, to an extent.


But it would be wonderful if more non militant Muslims added their voices in the condemnation of some of their more zealous brothers acts.

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