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He's not The Messiah..he's Martin

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A Judge in the US has ordered that a baby's first name be changed from Messiah to Martin.


Maybe it would have confused people, all those blokes on camels bringing him gifts and stuff :P


"It could put him at odds with a lot of people and at this point he has had no choice in what his name is," Judge Ballew said.


I take it that the Judge also opposes ritual infant circumcision then

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When my grandson was born in Jessops 5 years ago ( last monday) I got into a conversation with one of the nurses about some of the names parents lumber their children with.


She informed me that a child in an adjoining ward had been named Lucifer. At first I refused to believe it but she assured me it was true.


'Good luck getting him christened.' Was my comment.


Funnily enough ,I've mentioned this to a few people & it's surprising how many youngsters have no idea why it may not have been such a good choice.

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When my grandson was born in Jessops 5 years ago ( last monday) I got into a conversation with one of the nurses about some of the names parents lumber their children with.


She informed me that a child in an adjoining ward had been named Lucifer. At first I refused to believe it but she assured me it was true.


'Good luck getting him christened.' Was my comment.


Funnily enough ,I've mentioned this to a few people & it's surprising how many youngsters have no idea why it may not have been such a good choice.


I wonder if he grew into a little devil, one of my grandsons is called Connor & trust me he is a little devil :hihi::hihi:

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I wonder if he grew into a little devil, one of my grandsons is called Connor & trust me he is a little devil :hihi::hihi:


Funnily enough, another little lad who was born at the same time had been named Blade. Now I am myself a Blade but personally I think that's going a bit too far :).


By the way, you stole my username :)

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