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Examples of Good Customer Service

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In this country and many others, people love to moan about poor customer service, well it's an addiction really :help:


But what about good customer service, which experiences can you share that left you feeling better about your day?


Going on from previous threads, I love going to coffee shops, so been down to the Shhhh Coffee Shop in Crystal Peaks. Wanted to have an Iced Frap and cake so waited for them to bring it to my table (even most coffee shops do not do table service), then my bun arrived but there was something wrong with the Frap machine so the kind and pretty waitress told me so, she said I can have any drink as replacement, so requested an Iced Latte then waited and the owner brought me not 1 but 2 Iced Lattes, I said he should not have bothered but seeing as I am a regular, he gave me 2 for the price of 1, top banana :thumbsup:

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In this country and many others, people love to moan about poor customer service, well it's an addiction really :help:


But what about good customer service, which experiences can you share that left you feeling better about your day?


Going on from previous threads, I love going to coffee shops, so been down to the Shhhh Coffee Shop in Crystal Peaks. Wanted to have an Iced Frap and cake so waited for them to bring it to my table (even most coffee shops do not do table service), then my bun arrived but there was something wrong with the Frap machine so the kind and pretty waitress told me so, she said I can have any drink as replacement, so requested an Iced Latte then waited and the owner brought me not 1 but 2 Iced Lattes, I said he should not have bothered but seeing as I am a regular, he gave me 2 for the price of 1, top banana :thumbsup:


I bought a book on Python from Amazon. It arrived falling apart as there wasnt enough glue on the bindings for the spine.


So I called Amazon, who sent me another - same problem, same missing glue in the same place.....


So I called them again and the nice lady said she would send all the books in stock as she couldnt check them and it sounded like there may be a generic fault....


I should have realised this was a bad idea and perhaps the lady at Amazon should have - I got to the office and found an amused receptionist and eight five books on a pallet by my desk.


All of which were defective!


So I asked Amazon to take the books back, which they did after having a good laugh and promising to credit the account appropriately, (which they did that day) and that left me with my original book, which I'd paid for and been refunded for, and which I said I'd keep. After an unamused delivery man left I called the publisher.


After telling them tale of woe, I sent a photo of the problem to them, and she said she'd "look into it" but they were moving HQ that day so it may be a little while...


Two days later, I got a free copy of the book. She driven to the warehouse, sorted through a few hundred copies and found a good one. The rest went for pulping apparantly.


O'Reilly is the publisher.

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I bought a book on Python from Amazon. It arrived falling apart as there wasnt enough glue on the bindings for the spine.


So I called Amazon, who sent me another - same problem, same missing glue in the same place.....


So I called them again and the nice lady said she would send all the books in stock as she couldnt check them and it sounded like there may be a generic fault....


I should have realised this was a bad idea and perhaps the lady at Amazon should have - I got to the office and found an amused receptionist and eight five books on a pallet by my desk.


All of which were defective!


So I asked Amazon to take the books back, which they did after having a good laugh and promising to credit the account appropriately, (which they did that day) and that left me with my original book, which I'd paid for and been refunded for, and which I said I'd keep. After an unamused delivery man left I called the publisher.


After telling them tale of woe, I sent a photo of the problem to them, and she said she'd "look into it" but they were moving HQ that day so it may be a little while...


Two days later, I got a free copy of the book. She driven to the warehouse, sorted through a few hundred copies and found a good one. The rest went for pulping apparantly.


O'Reilly is the publisher.


Jesus, I bet the delivery driver was looking for cameras thinking it was a stitch up.


Could you not have just got the book from a book shop instead of having Amazon send a pallet full :hihi:

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Jesus, I bet the delivery driver was looking for cameras thinking it was a stitch up.


Could you not have just got the book from a book shop instead of having Amazon send a pallet full :hihi:


At a considerable increase in price and delivery delay yes....

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Corsair have done me solid.


Bought a product from them and it was faulty on arrival. Requested an RMA and a customer service rep at the HQ (in LA, California) went into the office at 6am, 2 hours early, just to give me a call at a reasonable UK time (LA is 8 hours behind us) to arrange details for a courier to pick up the faulty item, deliver it to the Netherlands (nearest service centre) and to send a new one out. They paid for everything.


Now all that could have been done via email but it was really great to get the call and be treated as a human being rather than a case number and text on a screen.

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Has to be Apple for me, even though I was aware they are notorious for good customer service, they managed to impress me more.


For the record, I haven't bought an Apple product for about... 8/9 years ish, I only like their iPods. So I bought the very first generation iPod Nano when it was released, I think, about 8/9 years ago. 7 years after, the iPod (surprisingly) still doing its job and working fine, I received an email from Apple themselves, informing me, the battery's in that particular generation of Nano are capable of burning out at this age, and if I sent it them back they would replace it. A month later I received a brand new iPod. Surprised they even bothered telling me, if the battery had burned out, I would have just thrown it, and more than likely bought another.

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That will teach you :hihi::loopy:


I can't see Waterstones having sorted it as fast, or as easily. I;d have been schlepping books back and for to them for a week or more, and had to pay a lot in diesel and parking.


Amazon I sorted it all without even having to really leave my desk.

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