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Should MP'S be made to live on benefits or min wage for a month.

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Why should they. They have worked hard to get to become a member of parliament & im sure if they weren't in government then they would have other successful jobs.


Benefits are there to help those who would be in serious risk of being homeless & starving. For whatever reason.


Benefits are a privilege not a right. Should be thankful, not stood with ya hand out expecting more.


Well said Clown Shoes, I'm baffled by Chem1st's comments tho, pensioner don't queue jump TMK. They have paid into the system all their lives and the pension is getting a small bit back, I know we all knock MP's but in all honesty how many on SF could do the job.

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Well we have a system at the moment where only the rich CAN become MP's so what would be the difference?


Interesting comment.


How does that fit in with the forum concensus that it's the Tories that have money if all MP's are rich I wonder.

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We hate success in this country. Its a horrible nasty trait that we have become accustomed to.


Politicians are all lying, boring, pompous gits but thats the nature of politics all around the world.


What a cushy job it must be though. Great perks. Id love to be an MP but i know no one would vote for me. Id be too outspoken.

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Nope, not a month, that would be TOO easy with their backups, make it a year, or even better a full parlimentary term of 5 years. That would wipe out their reserves, max their credit cards and put them into wonga territory. THEN they will know how everyone else lives


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 08:33 ----------



Well we have a system at the moment where only the rich CAN become MP's so what would be the difference?


What would that gain? How would we benefit from mps, particularly ones from further afield either not going to parliment or ignoring their constituents because they can't afford to travel there? What about foreign heads of state coming over? No state dinners, but we can do two for a tenner at the local beefeater? Are we bowing out of the eu and UN or can we fork out for easyjet flights and a travelodge somewhere (obviously sharing rooms)


I quite agree about mps being overpaid arses, liars and mostly incompetent but fail to see what stripping back their wealth would achieve. I want honesty and accountability not another ready made excuse ("can't afford it")

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Why should they. They have worked hard to get to become a member of parliament & im sure if they weren't in government then they would have other successful jobs.


Benefits are there to help those who would be in serious risk of being homeless & starving. For whatever reason.


Benefits are a privilege not a right. Should be thankful, not stood with ya hand out expecting more.


Cameron and Osborne didn't work hard to become MPs they were born with silver spoons in their mouths. When they ran for Parliament they were given safe seats where they were never going to lose. I agree some MPs have had to work really hard to get into Parliament but there are those that haven't, and that includes other parties not just the Tories who put preferential candidates forward for safe seats.

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Cameron and Osborne didn't work hard to become MPs they were born with silver spoons in their mouths. When they ran for Parliament they were given safe seats where they were never going to lose. I agree some MPs have had to work really hard to get into Parliament but there are those that haven't, and that includes other parties not just the Tories who put preferential candidates forward for safe seats.


Well its nice & an advantage to be privileged then.


Some people are just more fortunate than others. If your not one of those then you have to work harder to achieve what you want.


Its been like that for over 2000 years.

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Interesting comment.


How does that fit in with the forum concensus that it's the Tories that have money if all MP's are rich I wonder.


I think generally if you have money you vote tory and if you vote tory you tend to have money.


If you are an MP you are rolling in it no matter which whip you take


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 13:50 ----------


What about foreign heads of state coming over? No state dinners, but we can do two for a tenner at the local beefeater? Are we bowing out of the eu and UN or can we fork out for easyjet flights and a travelodge somewhere (obviously sharing rooms)



Sorry, but I dont see the relevance there - how would making MPs face a bit of reality bring about what you claim? Not ALL MPs take part in the gravy train that is state occasions, EU and UN


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 13:52 ----------


Well its nice & an advantage to be privileged then.



And its being privileged that means that they have no grasp of the reality the general public have to endure

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We hate success in this country. Its a horrible nasty trait that we have become accustomed to.


Politicians are all lying, boring, pompous gits but thats the nature of politics all around the world.


What a cushy job it must be though. Great perks. Id love to be an MP but i know no one would vote for me. Id be too outspoken.


I disagree the OPs assertion that MPs should understand what it's like to struggle as many people do in this country is nothing to do with British people hating success. I think it's about wanting to have MPs whose feet are on the ground and who don't take money for granted.

Compared to Italy, Spain and some other countries, our politics is comparatively clean.

The fact that you'd be too outspoken would mean more people would vote for you surely :confused:

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