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Should MP'S be made to live on benefits or min wage for a month.

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A lawyer has never been arrested but it does not stop them representing you and acting in your best interests.


A doctor has never lost a leg but it does not stop them performing surgery and providing medication best for the pain a patient is suffering.


Do you really think a house full of MP's from jobless background with years of experience on the dole and a poor or low accademic record are really suitable to run the country in our best interests. Have you any idea how complex and detailed their day to day work can be. There is far more to their job than just sitting in the chamber shouting at each other.


Joanna Lumley described her experience of working alongside MPs for her campaign saying that part of this job of being a good MP is learning and reading masses of information, reaserch, statistics and reports. You have to interpret and give this information openly to the people you represent and you have to be smart.


Its not a job any tom dick or harry could do. I want someone who has studied, shown they can retain and process information, show they can form considered opinions and make hugely complex decisions on matters.


What needs to change is the way that MPs are controlled and regulated. Cut all the expenses, cut all the allowances, cut all the second homes, cut the gravy train and give them one wage at a high enough rate that justifies what they do. That would stop all this nonsense.


Despite what people may think £65,738 is not enough. There are middle management, journalists, civil servants, lawyers, skilled trades, medical practictioners who earn far far more than that a year.


Something around £90 - 100k (full stop) would be more appropraite. That way they are seen to us public as paying their own way for everything, no freebies, no allowances but earning a wage which justifies what they do.


MPs have not been blameless but they are the weak story and easy target. How about the NHS executives on £200k - £300k a year. The School headteachers on £100k plus and of course my ultimate hypocracy, those Union chiefs "standing up for the people and all that" Really?


Some examples from last year or so

RMT - £123,383

Fire - £120,124

NUT - £116,836

PCSU- £113,350

UNISON £127,436 (inc benefits)

and £500,000 for the former boss of UNITE (including a £310,000 redundancy package)


Want to be an MP?? ... makes you wonder why they bother


Agree with most of that bar the expenses bit. You'll end up with an awful lot of mps either neglecting parliament or neglecting their constituents if they have to fork travel and or digs from Newcastle, west Wales or Cornwall.

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I don't know why anyone would defend MPs and governments. With few exceptions these people have run this country into the ground with bad governance and even worse decisions over many years.


They are now busy feathering their own nests in preparation for the impending mega crash.


They won't be the ones suffering, you can depend on that...

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I don't know why anyone would defend MPs and governments. With few exceptions these people have run this country into the ground with bad governance and even worse decisions over many years.


They are now busy feathering their own nests in preparation for the impending mega crash.


They won't be the ones suffering, you can depend on that...


Perhaps you - together with some hundreds of your friends - would like to stand for Parliament, get elected and do the job yourselves?


(Remember Martin Bell?)


Perhaps It's time that the party system was scrapped and each constituency voted for somebody who would represent the interest of his/her constituents. There would be nothing to stop the representatives ganging together to support/oppose legislation.


That would, of course, mean massive changes. You'd have to vote for 'Representatives' who would represent their constituents - (as opposed to 'Members of Parliament' who represent the interests of their party.)

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A lawyer has never been arrested but it does not stop them representing you and acting in your best interests.


A doctor has never lost a leg but it does not stop them performing surgery and providing medication best for the pain a patient is suffering.


Do you really think a house full of MP's from jobless background with years of experience on the dole and a poor or low accademic record are really suitable to run the country in our best interests. Have you any idea how complex and detailed their day to day work can be. There is far more to their job than just sitting in the chamber shouting at each other.


Joanna Lumley described her experience of working alongside MPs for her campaign saying that part of this job of being a good MP is learning and reading masses of information, reaserch, statistics and reports. You have to interpret and give this information openly to the people you represent and you have to be smart.


Its not a job any tom dick or harry could do. I want someone who has studied, shown they can retain and process information, show they can form considered opinions and make hugely complex decisions on matters.

What needs to change is the way that MPs are controlled and regulated. Cut all the expenses, cut all the allowances, cut all the second homes, cut the gravy train and give them one wage at a high enough rate that justifies what they do. That would stop all this nonsense.


Despite what people may think £65,738 is not enough. There are middle management, journalists, civil servants, lawyers, skilled trades, medical practictioners who earn far far more than that a year.


Something around £90 - 100k (full stop) would be more appropraite. That way they are seen to us public as paying their own way for everything, no freebies, no allowances but earning a wage which justifies what they do.


MPs have not been blameless but they are the weak story and easy target. How about the NHS executives on £200k - £300k a year. The School headteachers on £100k plus and of course my ultimate hypocracy, those Union chiefs "standing up for the people and all that" Really?


Some examples from last year or so

RMT - £123,383

Fire - £120,124

NUT - £116,836

PCSU- £113,350

UNISON £127,436 (inc benefits)

and £500,000 for the former boss of UNITE (including a £310,000 redundancy package)


Want to be an MP?? ... makes you wonder why they bother


Re the bold, I would have no objection with an increase in MP's pay if there were entrance exams that they had to pass that showed they were capable of doing the above.


While-ever it remains a job for which no qualifications are required with no compulsory hours of attendance they are overpaid as they are.


See under Prescott, John.

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Perhaps some of the unintelligent, lazy, scrounging people should be made to do the work of an MP. Separated from their family, loss of privacy, at constant beck and call of their leader, the party, their constituents, their fundraisers. Travelling around the country having to have an interest in the latest hare-brained local scheme and comment vaguely intelligently on it. Being picked up on everything they say or do, and being constantly on guard about it. Being a target for terrorists. Being held responsible when some civil servant makes a clerical error.

Perhaps those who have been professional dolees should be made to do this in order to receive benefits from those of us who pay tax to support them. AND they should be very grateful to us for it. Perhaps they should write a letter every day to a taxpayer thanking them for their handout.

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Perhaps some of the unintelligent, lazy, scrounging people should be made to do the work of an MP. Separated from their family, loss of privacy, at constant beck and call of their leader, the party, their constituents, their fundraisers. Travelling around the country having to have an interest in the latest hare-brained local scheme and comment vaguely intelligently on it. Being picked up on everything they say or do, and being constantly on guard about it. Being a target for terrorists. Being held responsible when some civil servant makes a clerical error.

Perhaps those who have been professional dolees should be made to do this in order to receive benefits from those of us who pay tax to support them. AND they should be very grateful to us for it. Perhaps they should write a letter every day to a taxpayer thanking them for their handout.


Sounds like you fit the criteria. Go for it.

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I don't know why anyone would defend MPs and governments. With few exceptions these people have run this country into the ground with bad governance and even worse decisions over many years.


They are now busy feathering their own nests in preparation for the impending mega crash.


They won't be the ones suffering, you can depend on that...


Because wiser people compare the UK to the rest of the world. They look at the specifics as to who's done what and why.


They don't work on emotion or hazy, lazy impressions. They don't make sweeping generalisations or ask for democracy to be shrunk by cutting representatives!


You have the right to disagree with governments but you have no right to criticise the system unless you have a detailed and costed alternative. If you've never stood for election yourself and have no intention to you're on weaker ground still.

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Re the bold, I would have no objection with an increase in MP's pay if there were entrance exams that they had to pass that showed they were capable of doing the above.


While-ever it remains a job for which no qualifications are required with no compulsory hours of attendance they are overpaid as they are.


See under Prescott, John.


Oh yeah, that would be the ex-union activist with diplomas in economics and politics from oxford and a economics history degree from Hull University.


Yeah what a total non qualified. How on earth did he get the job?

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