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Dozens of worshippers gunned down at Nigerian Mosque

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Thank you, Mr Fisk ... but who do you define as the 'good citizens of Nigeria'?


If Boko Haram follow their literal meaning and wage war on Western culture (including Christian cuirches) , will you still support their extinction?


Like I said, the majority of law abiding Muslims condemn any terrorist actions linked to Islam.


So persons like Disu Kamor, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) who

condemned the Boko Haram killings of “innocent Nigerians, Muslims and Christians, elderly and children, in its demented campaign of violence against the state.”


LAGOS – A weekend’s massacre of Muslim worshippers at a mosque in Konduga village in Borno state by Boko Haram group has been widely condemned by Nigerian Muslim groups, urging the media to avoid identifying the sect with Islam.




To answer your question, of course I (and majority of Muslims I know) would not support any attacks on anyone or any group- historically Christians (as well as other religious groups) lived and worked together.


The period of the Golden Era of Islam, under the Caliphate in Spain, saw Jews & Christians living peacefully with these people employed in the Muslim courts.


Based on the true teachings of Islam, no group is to come under any attack or violence and is free to practice their religion.


Going back to bed now...

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Like I said, the majority of law abiding Muslims condemn any terrorist actions linked to Islam.


So persons like Disu Kamor, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) who






To answer your question, of course I (and majority of Muslims I know) would not support any attacks on anyone or any group- historically Christians (as well as other religious groups) lived and worked together.


The period of the Golden Era of Islam, under the Caliphate in Spain, saw Jews & Christians living peacefully with these people employed in the Muslim courts.


Based on the true teachings of Islam, no group is to come under any attack or violence and is free to practice their religion.


Going back to bed now...


Did peace come after the Muslims killed any opposition or before.



Islamic Spain (711-1492)


In 711 Muslim forces invaded and in seven years conquered the Iberian peninsula.


Islamic Spain was a multi-cultural mix of the people of three great monotheistic religions: Muslims, Christians, and Jews.


Although Christians and Jews lived under restrictions, for much of the time the three groups managed to get along together, and to some extent, to benefit from the presence of each other.


It brought a degree of civilisation to Europe that matched the heights of the Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance.




It became one of the great Muslim civilisations; reaching its summit with the Umayyad caliphate of Cordovain the tenth century.


The alternative view to the Golden Age of Tolerance is that Jews and Christians were severely restricted in Muslim Spain, by being forced to live in a state of 'dhimmitude'. (A dhimmi is a non-Muslim living in an Islamic state who is not a slave, but does not have the same rights as a Muslim living in the same state.)


In Islamic Spain, Jews and Christians were tolerated if they:


Acknowledged Islamic superiority

Accepted Islamic power

Paid a tax called Jizya to the Muslim rulers and sometimes paid higher rates of other taxes

Avoided blasphemy

Did not try to convert Muslims

Complied with the rules laid down by the authorities. These included:

restrictions on clothing and the need to wear a special badge

restrictions on building synagogues and churches

not allowed to carry weapons

could not receive an inheritance from a Muslim

could not bequeath anything to a Muslim

could not own a Muslim slave

A dhimmi man could not marry a Muslim woman (but the reverse was acceptable)

A dhimmi could not give evidence in an Islamic court

Dhimmis would get lower compensation than Muslims for the same injury

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Thank you, Mr Fisk ... but who do you define as the 'good citizens of Nigeria'?


If Boko Haram follow their literal meaning and wage war on Western culture (including Christian cuirches) , will you still support their extinction?

I'll support and help.

Anyone who has declared war on the west is my enemy especially those who have accepted the hospitality of my country.


---------- Post added 15-08-2013 at 09:13 ----------


Like I said, the majority of law abiding Muslims condemn any terrorist actions linked to Islam.

Strange isn't it daily acts of terrorism by Muslims in Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria Afghanistan etc yet nobody out on the streets around the world condemning them but write a book or draw a cartoon and they're ranting and demonstrating all over the world.

Double standards methinks.


---------- Post added 15-08-2013 at 09:15 ----------


Did peace come after the Muslims killed any opposition or before.



Islamic Spain (711-1492)


In 711 Muslim forces invaded and in seven years conquered the Iberian peninsula.


Islamic Spain was a multi-cultural mix of the people of three great monotheistic religions: Muslims, Christians, and Jews.


Although Christians and Jews lived under restrictions, for much of the time the three groups managed to get along together, and to some extent, to benefit from the presence of each other.


It brought a degree of civilisation to Europe that matched the heights of the Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance.




It became one of the great Muslim civilisations; reaching its summit with the Umayyad caliphate of Cordovain the tenth century.


The alternative view to the Golden Age of Tolerance is that Jews and Christians were severely restricted in Muslim Spain, by being forced to live in a state of 'dhimmitude'. (A dhimmi is a non-Muslim living in an Islamic state who is not a slave, but does not have the same rights as a Muslim living in the same state.)


In Islamic Spain, Jews and Christians were tolerated if they:


Acknowledged Islamic superiority

Accepted Islamic power

Paid a tax called Jizya to the Muslim rulers and sometimes paid higher rates of other taxes

Avoided blasphemy

Did not try to convert Muslims

Complied with the rules laid down by the authorities. These included:

restrictions on clothing and the need to wear a special badge

restrictions on building synagogues and churches

not allowed to carry weapons

could not receive an inheritance from a Muslim

could not bequeath anything to a Muslim

could not own a Muslim slave

A dhimmi man could not marry a Muslim woman (but the reverse was acceptable)

A dhimmi could not give evidence in an Islamic court

Dhimmis would get lower compensation than Muslims for the same injury

Good grief if that was applied to Muslims the Knicker wetter's knickers would be in such a twist that if they wet them it would run straight down their legs.

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