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The dangers and cons of dating sites..

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Sex does not drive us all and if you can have a good platonic relationship with someone why would you complicate that with sex?


Can someone translate this because it appears that monkey has posted in some odd foreign language which I'm sure is against forum rules.

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I would go to specsavers and sort out your vision then, if that's how you see men in general.


It's unfair and quite damaging to label everyone just cos they happen to be of a particular sex. I do not know what your history is, but I can assure you, we are not all that bad. There are some decent blokes out there, you just have to know how to spot and avoid the bad uns.



Well said AO.


Also theres plenty of women out there that cheat, use people for sex or are violent to their partners.

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well i didnt mean to offend some of you its how i see men at times


Clearly you're the one that's going wrong here by dating the wrong "men" in the first place.


I'm willing to bet you're the atypical girl that goes for the bad boy thinking they'll change for you then when they screw you over you act all shocked and surprised as if you're completely blameless.


As for your hatred of dating sites, I'm also willing to further that bet by suggesting that your latest ex came from such a site and again, rather than taking any portion of the blame through your poor choices, you're blaming the sites etc.


Here's the sneaky bit, This text is hidden for a reason. babyblueseyes will respond to this and if what I said above is correct she'll go ultra-defensive and abusive towards me.

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did you get the jist?.must be you because other people did


Well let me clue you in monkey. I know you women have different views on these things but we heterosexual red blooded males don't want platonic relationships with attractive women we fancy. Good job too otherwise man would die out.

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maybe but i beg to differ


Maybe you have the ability to change that behaviour then before it's too late.


I must admit I am surprised at your response which may indicate I've misjudged you slightly.


I fully expected your response to be defensive and a little abusive towards what I said. Even to the point that I actually predicted it using hidden text in my previous post.

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