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Drug smugglers caught in Peru

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The two women aren't being given food and are forced to lay on the floor with nothing to keep them warm. What is that if not being denied food and sleep?


I'm not arguing for much. These are basic human needs. Next you'll tell me a bucket to use as a toilet isn't that bad.


It is also a basic human need/requisite to respect the law and not break it, these have not broken it they've snapped it in 2. As I said to you earlier; in England they'd get what your asking, they are in Peru.

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The two women aren't being given food and are forced to lay on the floor with nothing to keep them warm. What is that if not being denied food and sleep?


I'm not arguing for much. These are basic human needs. Next you'll tell me a bucket to use as a toilet isn't that bad.


That's not strictly true. There will be hundreds if not thousands of law abiding people in peru who won't have a comfy bed, blanket and three squares a day. As far as I can work out (and I've seen a few episodes of banged up abroad) that these two aren't getting preferential treatment (ie worse treatment) than the other prisoners.

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It is also a basic human need/requisite to respect the law and not break it

No it isn't.

There will be hundreds if not thousands of law abiding people in peru who won't have a comfy bed, blanket and three squares a day.

That's no justifcaion for denying people their basic needs.

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So you're saying you break the law regularly

No. I'm saying that you are incorrect. There is no human need or "requisite" to respect the law and not break it.


If we are to be humane though, it would be required to feed prisoners and allow them to sleep.

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No. I'm saying that you are incorrect. There is no human need or "requisite" to respect the law and not break it.


If we are to be humane though, it would be required to feed prisoners and allow them to sleep.


I think you'll find there is a requisite to respect and not break our laws, or loads more would all be in chucky. The bobbies get a bit miffed if you break the law, and judges don't like it either (even if they give soft sentences)

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The two women aren't being given food and are forced to lay on the floor with nothing to keep them warm. What is that if not being denied food and sleep?


I'm not arguing for much. These are basic human needs. Next you'll tell me a bucket to use as a toilet isn't that bad.


When my sister was born my parents couldn.t afford a cot,she slept in a drawer,is that denying sleep.is it eck you make the most of what you have,if its on the floor you sleep there,there was a picture on sky of one of them munching on fruit,thats not denying food,they broke the law and have to pay the price,its not being deprived of human needs,believe you me the press coverage is high and they won't starve to death but also won't be fed lobster and fillet steaks.

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If I was running the shop...


I would scrap the NHS altogether (which seems corrupt and dysfunctional anyhow), and people can either take more responsibility for their own well-being, pay for their own heath care, or die.


Not sure if you want to scrap the NHS on principle, or because it is corrupt and dysfunctional?


But if a corrupt and dysfunctional NHS can deliver ...

the U.S. ranks last on indicators of patient safety, efficiency, and equity. Australia and the U.K. continue to demonstrate superior performance. The Netherlands,which was included for the first time in this edition, ranked first overall.


then imagine what what it could do if we dealt with that, rather than abandoning the whole project altogether.

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