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Drug smugglers caught in Peru

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How do we do it now? These drugs aren't hard to find.


Seen this said before, people talk as if you can get drugs as easy as a pint.

I have never been offered drugs :mad:


They're not being fed and sleep on a mat, on the floor, without blankets. He's hardly asking for 1-star, is he?


My opinion is (and always has been) there should be international agreement

to allow criminals to serve their time in there own country if they wish.

Own country means the place they pay tax etc.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime


Totally agree.

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My opinion is (and always has been) there should be international agreement

to allow criminals to serve their time in there own country if they wish.

Own country means the place they pay tax etc.


Totally agree.


Don't understand why you would give the criminal a choice. If we think the sentence we set will be enforced then by all means deport them. If its one of ours doing crime abroad if we think they did it leave them there, our prisons are crowed as it is.


If you can't do the time don't do the crime. No argument there but I do think its about time a lot of our crimes and the sentences that go with them should be reassessed.


It is after all the role of government to serve the people for the benefit of the people in accordance with the wishes of the people. Not to rule the people in spite of the people and their wishes.


Before anyone thinks of saying it, now that the mainstream parties are all so similar and appear to be adhering to the same agenda there is little point in trying to get laws and policies changed by simply voting as things stand.


Do we even need MPs to vote on issues anymore? Internet access being so widespread now we could have a referorendum on everything. Mps would just be elected advocates to present and represent in parliamentary discussion the views of their own constituents those views could be determined by reforendum too.

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Don't understand why you would give the criminal a choice. If we think the sentence we set will be enforced then by all means deport them. If its one of ours doing crime abroad if we think they did it leave them there, our prisons are crowed as it is.


There's also the issue of what would you do with someone convicted of a crime that wasn't a crime in their home country. People should do the time where they do the crime.


It is after all the role of government to serve the people for the benefit of the people in accordance with the wishes of the people. Not to rule the people in spite of the people and their wishes.


Before anyone thinks of saying it, now that the mainstream parties are all so similar and appear to be adhering to the same agenda there is little point in trying to get laws and policies changed by simply voting as things stand.


Do we even need MPs to vote on issues anymore? Internet access being so widespread now we could have a referorendum on everything. Mps would just be elected advocates to present and represent in parliamentary discussion the views of their own constituents those views could be determined by reforendum too.


Internet access isn't that widespread for a referendum on everything - that's why we don't have online voting in elections. If you make it easier for one section of society to vote than another, they are more likely to vote and you get biased results.


MPs get to take part in debates about the issues they vote on, without forcing people to at least listen in to the debates they want to vote on you'd have people voting without understanding the issues.


On top of that, who'd have the time to take part in such votes - the retired and the unemployed. Whilst they should certainly have their say, they shouldn't effectively be given a larger say than others - even if unintentionally.

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In reply to Altus


You make a good point or two but I do not think your arguments in opposition to online voting stand up.


Internet access isn't that widespread for a referendum on everything


Maybe it isn't but there is still postal voting for those unable to get down to their local library. If for reforendums the voting was open for 7-10 days it would give plenty of time for those who are bothered to be able to vote.


Like it or not General and local elections are all decided by those who can be bothered to vote.


If you make it easier for one section of society to vote than another, they are more likely to vote and you get biased results.


Hundreds if not thousands of people in this country work 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week for weeks on end. Who's ever cared about their vote, and these are usually people who actually do WORK for a living.

MPs get to take part in debates about the issues they vote on, without forcing people to at least listen in to the debates they want to vote on you'd have people voting without understanding the issues.


Mps would still argue and debate issues and we would be better informed about the issue at stake because it is OUR vote that is required. How many bills, laws, acts whatever get through parliament without much if any publicity and with very little public knowledge never mind consent.


As for understanding the issues, do you really think that the 650 Mps, not 1/100000th of the population understanding of all ther issues out weighs that of the nation. Do you really think that such a tiny minority of people selected by who using whose criteria should in this day and age really effectively dictate to the rest of the country. And don't forget that not all MPs are even present for all the votes.


On top of that, who'd have the time to take part in such votes - the retired and the unemployed. Whilst they should certainly have their say, they shouldn't effectively be given a larger say than others - even if unintentionally.


Like I said: anyone who can be bothered to vote could be given ample opportunity to cast a vote. It does not have to take place on just one day. Nor would it mean for most people that they have to do much more than log in and cast. Rather than the whole pantomime of getting home from work, getting the kids ready, going to the poll station, whatever the weather.. etc etc.


Also because the decisions were being made be the whole country (potentially) there would be no need to involve or even have the antiquated House of Fossils (oops lords sorry).


I think the subject of parliamentary votes being put to public reforendum should be fully discussed and then there should be a reforendum on it.


No manipulated " if / and /or " votes just simple yes or no or abstain.


I would suggest make voting compulsory too as the excuses for not voting online are much weaker than for in a polling sation. We live in a Democracy, of sorts, arguably one of the beter ones, many people went through great hardship to ensure most British Citizens have the opportunity to vote.

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