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Drug smugglers caught in Peru

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People die from cocaine all the time.

People die from alcohol all the time.


If we really want to get drugs off our streets (or Spainish streets) then this arrest won't do anything to reach that goal. Just two daft girls, disposable pawns in a global crime organisation.

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There was an interesting program looking at cocaine production and the growing of coca in the amazon in Peru on the bbc yesterday. Very poor farmers were having their crops destroyed. And this then caused them real hardship. Some successful small farmers were able to buy education materials for their children, and things like fridges and tin roofs for their houses. They could grow coffee, but the profit and incentive was much less, than for coca.


We should just straight up legalise it and produce it over here for our domestic market.


Provide a clean product and tax it. We already have legal medical cocaine and legal growing, we might as well have legal recreational cocaine too.


It seems very silly indeed to artificially increase the price of cocaine, encourage its production, then destroy coca fields and artificially increase the price further and further encourage production.


So many lives are ruined in the process of the production and distribution of illegal cocaine, and cocaine is still produced and supplied to the customer, at vast cost to the user and also global society as a whole.

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Think it may be closer to 25+ years and they deserve everything they get. The perils of drug smuggling are well known and so ignorance or 'we were made to do it' is no defence. This will hopefully be another lesson to those stupid enough to try for themselves.

its easy saying such things from the safety of your armchair in sunny sheffield or wherever, different if you had an ak47 pointed at your head tho, or your childrens head........which can, and has happened before, not sure on the exact goings on in this case yet tho

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They were "forced into it" but "didn't know" the drugs were there? How can both those statements be true - surely they contradict each other?


They cannot both be true.


These skanks probably got in with dealers and were either willing mules or racked up a debt.


Either way they are guilty as hell.


As to whether it's a good system, i think it is not.


Legalise drugs for registered users, and give users a smart card. If they buy fag level taxed drugs from the government then they can just do their thing, if they buy illegal drugs then no NHS, die in a ditch.

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Would you legalise all drugs, even things like crack and PCP - angel dust?


I personally would. Because it would free up so much money to deal with the societal effects the negatve could be dealt with in a couple of years. Take a duster, no cop around because they are chasing a weed dealer..that cop is freed up to kill the duster going nuts as a threat to life.


People who think legalise drugs = support/pro drugs are naive.


It's about reality, the war on drugs does not work as fought, so we need to fight it differently.

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