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Drug smugglers caught in Peru

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They did it. The evidence is mounting.


That one with the dark hair looks like she loves herself in her Ibiza pics. LIke a right little diva.


They get what they deserve.


Hopefully, as they are only 20 yrs old they may get a bit of lenient sentence. But the publicity may work against them as the Peruvian government may want to make an example of them.


*my bold*


oh, so, she pouts and preens a bit in her facebook pictures... Obviously totally guilty, and quick, while we are at it, let's arrest al the other daft young women who post "duckface" pictures, as they must be guilty of drug-smugggling, too.


We weren't there, when these lasses were (or weren't) forced into carrying the drugs for the cartel behind all this.


The CCTV footage showing some dark haired young woman walking (supposedly) nonchalantly along a street, which people point to as proof they weren't threatened, shows nothing except footage of a dark haired young woman walking along a street. we don't know if this footage was filmed before the incident, or where the other girl was. she may have been held back with the cartel members, and the filmed- girl told to "do X, Y, Z, or her friend gets harmed".

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Yea but it's easy for young impressionable girls to get mixed up in this kind of nightmare if they get involved with the wrong people. I feel really sorry for them to be honest. Prison in Lima is not somewhere you want to be for 5 minutes let alone 10 years +.


I don't feel sorry for them.


The stuff they were bringing back could have caused untold misery, turned people to addicts, criminals, created more victims of crime as smack heads go on the rob to feed the habit etc.

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They did it. The evidence is mounting.


That one with the dark hair looks like she loves herself in her Ibiza pics. LIke a right little diva.


They get what they deserve.


Hopefully, as they are only 20 yrs old they may get a bit of lenient sentence. But the publicity may work against them as the Peruvian government may want to make an example of them.


lol we know they did it, they were caught with the drugs, the issues why


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 13:27 ----------


Keep up the pretence to whom tho?


Unfortunatly for these girls their story is quite common, and their excuse even more so.

No-one forced them to carry a suitcase of drugs onto the plane, they had every opportunity at the airport to approach a policeman and report it - or just go to the bog and leave the case in the cubical.


They were not escorted to the check-in desk by armed men and forced to book into the flight were they?


alledgedly the cartel had details of their families over here, its not just about saving your own skin, put yourself in that position, you'd be terrified, let alone a 19 year old woman, who's to say if they spragged and come home and found their whole family dead? it happens, the violence of drug cartels is felt around the world, they have contacts and hitmen all over

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lol we know they did it, they were caught with the drugs, the issues why


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 13:27 ----------



alledgedly the cartel had details of their families over here, its not just about saving your own skin, put yourself in that position, you'd be terrified, let alone a 19 year old woman, who's to say if they spragged and come home and found their whole family dead? it happens, the violence of drug cartels is felt around the world, they have contacts and hitmen all over


Yup ok two random girls on a beach in Ibiza and some drug cartel comes along and knows their address, their family etc etc. :loopy:

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I'm glad that these two dangerous hardened criminals are locked up. With these two women gone that will be the end of all drugs in Spain and Europe. Yep, locking these two up has really brought the criminal gangs to an end. It'll be impossible for anyone in Ibiza to take coke now. Yes sir-ee.


Or ... two girls locked up for a longtime, and nothing has changed. Prohibition doesn't work.

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Well, within the context of prohibition, you could argue locking up 2 mules, is going to deter other mules from following suit.


When you consider if from a wider context though, maybe legalising all drugs, putting it under state control etc, would pull the rug from under the criminals. I wouldn't have a problem with that, so long as people who do harm themselves through drug use, do not get free medical treatment at the expense of non-drug users etc.

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lol we know they did it, they were caught with the drugs, the issues why


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 13:27 ----------



alledgedly the cartel had details of their families over here, its not just about saving your own skin, put yourself in that position, you'd be terrified, let alone a 19 year old woman, who's to say if they spragged and come home and found their whole family dead? it happens, the violence of drug cartels is felt around the world, they have contacts and hitmen all over


why would drug smugglers go to all that trouble, when most people are willing to do it for rather modest (in relation to the profits the cartels make) fees? The whole story sounds implausible to me (and the peruvian police have said as much - that cartels don't need to go to all this trouble, because they just pay desperate people money to do it)


Do you really think peruvian cartels hire hitmen to kill random people in the UK? If they did it would bring a lot of unwanted attention from the UK police.

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