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Charities - do you give?

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I give to Rain Rescue because they do fantastic work, the RNLI because every British person should, the British Legion for obvious reasons and McMillan Cancer Care.


I give ad hoc to a lot of good causes mainly local but also regional and national but those are the main charities i support and they do a fantastic job with the money we give them.

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I give to 2 charities that iv chosen to support for various reasons but one thing I can't stand is doin a long shift at work gettin home and cookin tea, sortin out the animals, cleaning up then just as I get out the bath and get my 'arris' comfortable on the sofa there's a knock at the door and I open it to find a grinning idiot speaking to me as if we're long lost friends and all but begging me to give them money every month for their charity, I don't want to be pestered in my own home like this, I want to choose my own charities to donate to and not have to stand and feel awkward on my doorstep when iv already said no in as many ways as I can think of without resorting to swearing!

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I give to 2 charities that iv chosen to support for various reasons but one thing I can't stand is doin a long shift at work gettin home and cookin tea, sortin out the animals, cleaning up then just as I get out the bath and get my 'arris' comfortable on the sofa there's a knock at the door and I open it to find a grinning idiot speaking to me as if we're long lost friends and all but begging me to give them money every month for their charity, I don't want to be pestered in my own home like this, I want to choose my own charities to donate to and not have to stand and feel awkward on my doorstep when iv already said no in as many ways as I can think of without resorting to swearing!



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I give what I can by direct debit and change the charities on a regular basis.


At the moment it's Macmillan and Medecins sans Frontieres.


I also give time to fund raise and help out at a few local charities (since I'm too poor to give much money) and both donate goods to be sold to raise funds and buy goods for sale from local charities where possible.

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Well the argument for the fat cats is that without them charities would bring in less money, and the fat cats more than cover their salary. I don't know how true that is but i know for sure my small contributions go straight to the people who need equiptment to continue their excellent work.


Chuggers and door step muggers get short shrift from me and the dog. :hihi:

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