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Charities - do you give?

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i do give to charities but i am very careful and, i'm sad to say, suspicious, as to where i give. having worked for a charity once i learnt as others have said that not all the money goes where it should. there are some charities that the money goes to directly where it should so they are the ones i try to give to.


having said that, i don't know about the rspca and i do give to them.but what annoys me about them is that i give a small amount each month by direct debit but now i am inundated with begging letters and emails about the plight of poor animals and asking me to give more.if anything, that always asking for more (although i am sure they need it) makes me want to stop giving.


in contrast, i did a fundraising event with a group of young people and i sent in the cheque to another charity afterwards. i got what appeared to be a handsigned note back saying thankyou, naming the group i had done the event with and the amount raised.nothing more since.that i like.


just my thoughts...

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The people I know who give to the RSPCA have all chosen to cancel their subscriptions to the national RSPCA for that very reason. Fed up with the constant begging letters to give more & more. A better idea is to donate to the LOCAL Sheffield RSPCA branch (who incidentally get no financial support from the National RSPCA). That way your money stays local where it is needed the most. I know what you mean about being suspicious when giving to charity. I've been disappointed more than once, by both local & national charities, here & abroad, that I've helped & then I've found out just how & where the money was actually being spent.

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