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Body language, obvious signs

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I have told my friend that I cannot spot gays. And tonight we are at the pub quiz night, and he says that the bloke sat down over there is gay.


My thought is that you cannot judge someone by their appearance.


He was sat down on his own, he had tatoos and was wearing knee length shorts (as was I), short shaved head; and he did look a little sad.


I asked him if there were any lesbians in the pub, but he seemed unawares. What can anyone tell from someones appearance?

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I have told my friend that I cannot spot gays. And tonight we are at the pub quiz night, and he says that the bloke sat down over there is gay.


My thought is that you cannot judge someone by their appearance.


He was sat down on his own, he had tatoos and was wearing knee length shorts (as was I), short shaved head; and he did look a little sad.


I asked him if there were any lesbians in the pub, but he seemed unawares. What can anyone tell from someones appearance?


Considering your comments on same sex marriage and now this, would it be fair to say that you're homophobic?

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By watching people how people conduct themselves, even if you've never met them before, can tell you what a person is like if you know what to look for. Sometimes you can even tell what people are thinking. I often catch myself doing it without realising it and have to tell myself to stop because it is unlikely to be unhelpful.

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Considering your comments on same sex marriage and now this, would it be fair to say that you're homophobic?


Now this, what do you mean?


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 08:10 ----------


If he is gay whats that got to do with you?


I find people interesting, doesnt everyone?


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 08:13 ----------


People are supposed to be good at recognising other people with whom they share important character traits or types of upbringing ('takes one to know one').



I know that when programs do these tests on TV with different faces and emotions, I do poorly. But how can people make such snap judgements about people?

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