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Should Afghan interpreters be allowed to live in UK?

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The interpreters helped British forces in order help their country, their countrymen and themselves, their elected government should give them secure homes and new identities if they at risk.


Smithy. Don't you get tired of repeating yourself?

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Because we have to fight them with one hand tied behind our backs. A thousand tooled up Taliban fighters could amble by camp bastion and we wouldn't be able to take a single shot, just watch them walk past. Google the current rules of engagement, it's a joke.


Anyway, we should let the interpreters in. They'll be classed as collaboraters and given a hard time just like any other conflict (particularly ww2) since the year dot. At least they speak English !


Good point,all of it.Especially my bold.

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They're Afghanis, why should they be allowed in the UK?


Yes, I was under the impression our troops stayed on to train Afghan troops who in turn would make Afghanistan a safer place to live.


Our police can give witnesses new identities after they give evidence, so I'm sure the Afghans can do the same for these few interpreters and their families, its a big country with safe areas.

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