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Should Afghan interpreters be allowed to live in UK?

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No conspiracy theories please.


I am not a conspiracy theorist- there was NO proof given for Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11 by those asking the Afghanistan leaders to hand him over.


The FBI's report (when he was on the most wanted list) did not want him in connection to 9/11- the FBI most wanted list can easily be looked at on a search and back then, when BL was alive, the guy was wanted for other terror charges.


Pointless debating now, since he was 'killed' by the elite USA mob.

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It wasn't the Afghan leaders who were sheltering him, was it? - So why are you debating irrelevancies?


They (whoever was in charge- Taliban ) asked America for proof of Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11.


Nothing was given as there was no concrete evidence. USA did not enter any negotiations with them- the history of the people of Afghanistan is based on hospitality and despite these people being invaded by Russians and Americans, still remain genuine good people.


All they were doing was being a generous host and asked America's leaders- let's talk, give us proof of BL involvement with 9/11 and we can discuss.

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They (whoever was in charge- Taliban ) asked America for proof of Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11.


Nothing was given as there was no concrete evidence. USA did not enter any negotiations with them- the history of the people of Afghanistan is based on hospitality and despite these people being invaded by Russians and Americans, still remain genuine good people.


All they were doing was being a generous host and asked America's leaders- let's talk, give us proof of BL involvement with 9/11 and we can discuss.


To Al-Qaeda's network of training camps, which is why they were bombed.


Up to 4,000 Islamic extremists have attended terrorist training camps in Afghanistan before returning to Britain, security chiefs have revealed.


Do you see these as holiday camps in which young Muslims just play at being soldiers.

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