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Gift to the nation?

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Surely it's the fault of the executor of her estate?


Afterall they decide the interpretation of her will and ultimately they have the power to transfer the money.


I'm all for a 'bash the greedy politicians' thread, but all they did was accept money offered to them by the people executing the will right????


oh, so now it's all somebody who is politically neutral fault?

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MS Edwards' solicitors have said that they spoke to her about her bequest and they are of the opinion that she meant the money to go to the funds of whichever political party/parties were in power.


If that's so, then the government did nothing wrong. Their donation of the money to the treasury - who will spend it 'for the good of the people' - is generous to a fault, IMO.


There is, however, no shortage of people on this forum (and elsewhere) who would hate to see any political party getting any money from anybody.

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MS Edwards' solicitors have said that they spoke to her about her bequest and they are of the opinion that she meant the money to go to the funds of whichever political party/parties were in power.


If that's so, then the government did nothing wrong. Their donation of the money to the treasury - who will spend it 'for the good of the people' - is generous to a fault, IMO.


There is, however, no shortage of people on this forum (and elsewhere) who would hate to see any political party getting any money from anybody.


I'm not one of them Rupe, I'd love to see people in The Caymen Islands, Bermuda, Jersey and all the other places full of tax avoiding folk give some dosh to whichever party 'for the good of the people'.

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What else would a political party do with a donation?


As she used to be a midwife it would've been a lovely gesture for it to be donated to the local children's hospital and a plaque with her name on it placed in the unit.



However it's been a number of hours since the original post and I'm genuinely surprised that the forum nasties haven't picked up on the fact that Joan Edwards lived in a council house and had all this money!!!!

What's the matter with you people? Why aren't you foaming at the mouth demanding that people like Joan Edwards and Bob Crowe who have a bit of money, aren't allowed council houses. :roll:

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As she used to be a midwife it would've been a lovely gesture for it to be donated to the local children's hospital and a plaque with her name on it placed in the unit.


It's (or it was) her money. She should be able to do what she likes with it.



However it's been a number of hours since the original post and I'm genuinely surprised that the forum nasties haven't picked up on the fact that Joan Edwards lived in a council house and had all this money!!!!


Did she have a Roller on the drive? (like a councillor who was a council house tenant did when I lived near Doncaster some years ago.)


Perhaps she saved? Or was a successful investor.


Jesus saves ... but Moses invests.;)


What's the matter with you people? Why aren't you foaming at the mouth demanding that people like Joan Edwards and Bob Crowe who have a bit of money, aren't allowed council houses. :roll:


Bob Crowe makes a fuss about his money. She didn't.


Do you really think that wealthy people should have council houses?


My politics are (perhaps) a 'bit to the right of that pinko, Genghis Khan' but even I think that public money should go to support those who need help rather than those who have managed to get it and don't need it.

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It's (or it was) her money. She should be able to do what she likes with it.





Did she have a Roller on the drive? (like a councillor who was a council house tenant did when I lived near Doncaster some years ago.)


Perhaps she saved? Or was a successful investor.


Jesus saves ... but Moses invests.;)




Bob Crowe makes a fuss about his money. She didn't.


Do you really think that wealthy people should have council houses?


My politics are (perhaps) a 'bit to the right of that pinko, Genghis Khan' but even I think that public money should go to support those who need help rather than those who have managed to get it and don't need it.


I don't think that people should be turfed out of their council home if they have money saved. Okay she didn't make a fuss of her wealth - not sure what's that got do with the price of fish

Bob Crowe doesn't make a fuss about his money - not that I'm aware of. But I do know that his critics love to have a pop at him because he's paid more than what they think he should be paid

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