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Gift to the nation?

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I don't think anybody should be turfed out of their home if they are wealthy, but given that council housing is subsidised, perhaps there should be some sort of 'sliding scale' to reduce the subsidy paid to those who can afford to pay full-price?


When anybody proposes 'means testing' there is an outcry (usually from those who think they might have to pay 'full whack') but we've accepted progressive taxation [notably in income tax]; why shouldn't we have 'progressive benefits' controlled by means testing?


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 20:34 ----------


Well I never, You lived near Doncaster some years ago, so did I. Where abouts Rupe?


Finningley, then subsequently Lindholme. (Before it became a prison :hihi:)

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I'm not one of them Rupe, I'd love to see people in The Caymen Islands, Bermuda, Jersey and all the other places full of tax avoiding folk give some dosh to whichever party 'for the good of the people'.


Don't worry! (I can't speak for Jersey - I'm not a Crapaud) but the people in the other Channel Islands might be more than willing to bung a few bob in the direction of (some of) [CYA]) their politicos.


They wouldn't send the money to the UK, though ... there are strict rules prohibiting the bribery of foreign politicians.:hihi:


Most of the tax avoiders I know [of] in the Channel Islands are British Exports.


Would you mind taking them back?

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Obviously she wasn't of sound mind when she wrote the will, otherwise she'd have stipulated what the money was to be used for.


Was she content for a fascist government to use her money "as they saw fit" euthanising old ladies or shooting Jews?


Or maybe she just had a naive and gullible view that the Government Of The Day would always seek to do the best for the nation. Poor dear.

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Don't worry! (I can't speak for Jersey - I'm not a Crapaud) but the people in the other Channel Islands might be more than willing to bung a few bob in the direction of (some of) [CYA]) their politicos.


They wouldn't send the money to the UK, though ... there are strict rules prohibiting the bribery of foreign politicians.:hihi:


Most of the tax avoiders I know [of] in the Channel Islands are British Exports.


Would you mind taking them back?


Yes, some dodgy goings on there over the years involving young children. It's time it was sorted out but it won't happen because it's a tax haven full of dodgy rich people who are above the law.

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Stephen Yaxley Lennon, you have pleaded guilty to the charges brought by this court, and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You are an habitual criminal, who accepts arrest as an occupational hazard, and presumably accepts imprisonment in the same casual manner. We therefore feel constrained to commit you to the maximum term allowed for these offences — you will go to prison for eighteen months.


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:hihi:They drove me away!:hihi:


'Kin yew tell mee the way to Mewlin Hewitt?'


Sorry madam, I've never heard of it.:hihi:


We were one of the first 'multi-culti' societies in NW Europe.


The 'imports' couldn't be bothered to learn the language, they couldn't be bothered to learn about the local culture.

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I just wondered people's opinions on the incredible story of Joan Edwards who bequeathed £520,000 to "whichever government of the day to spend how it seems fit".




It's an act of generosity certainly, but I'm not sure that the coalition splitting the money between them for their own coffers was what Mrs Edwards had in mind - or perhaps it was? :confused:


This is just about the first instance I can recall of someone doing something that I believed in when I was 18 years old. I was of the opinion that everyone should by law have to leave the whole of their fortune to the state.

What a fool I must have been.

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