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Should I report this to police?

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On Saturday my 9 year old was playing out and got into a argument with some other children of similar age. A boy was picking on my sons friend so my son pushed the other boy away and went to bring him home. The boy he pushed went and told his brother who I think is about 16 maybe older and came out, he chased my son. He was very scared and he fell over, he dragged my son up by his arm and then twisted his arm up his back and threatened him. I confronted him and told him if he had a problem to come and knock on my door and not hurt my son. My son is still reluctant to play out and were worried to let him play out in case there is anymore trouble. The teenager who did it was about 6ft 4 as well.

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On Saturday my 9 year old was playing out and got into a argument with some other children of similar age. A boy was picking on my sons friend so my son pushed the other boy away and went to bring him home. The boy he pushed went and told his brother who I think is about 16 maybe older and came out, he chased my son. He was very scared and he fell over, he dragged my son up by his arm and then twisted his arm up his back and threatened him. I confronted him and told him if he had a problem to come and knock on my door and not hurt my son. My son is still reluctant to play out and were worried to let him play out in case there is anymore trouble. The teenager who did it was about 6ft 4 as well.


It is admirable that your son wanted to support his friend... but he should not have pushed the other lad in the first place. Having said that - what the teenager did was Actual Bodily Harm.

Probably best to go to his home if you know it, and ask quietly if you can all have a chat about it and try and sort it out so that it doesn't continue? After all he was just trying to protect his brother?

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It is admirable that your son wanted to support his friend... but he should not have pushed the other lad in the first place. Having said that - what the teenager did was Actual Bodily Harm.

Probably best to go to his home if you know it, and ask quietly if you can all have a chat about it and try and sort it out so that it doesn't continue? After all he was just trying to protect his brother?


Depends if any injuries where sustained,if not, it's just common assualt.

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My son is still reluctant to play out and were worried to let him play out in case there is anymore trouble. The teenager who did it was about 6ft 4 as well.


Your son has just learnt that life is not easy, yes support your friend, but he may have a bigger friend.

Perhaps it would be good just to walk with your son, show that you are beside him. But involving the police would be a step too far.

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On Saturday my 9 year old was playing out and got into a argument with some other children of similar age. A boy was picking on my sons friend so my son pushed the other boy away and went to bring him home. The boy he pushed went and told his brother who I think is about 16 maybe older and came out, he chased my son. He was very scared and he fell over, he dragged my son up by his arm and then twisted his arm up his back and threatened him. I confronted him and told him if he had a problem to come and knock on my door and not hurt my son. My son is still reluctant to play out and were worried to let him play out in case there is anymore trouble. The teenager who did it was about 6ft 4 as well.



Did you see any of this happen?


What do you expect the police to do with what is likely to be denied?


Be prepared for them to take more interest in the details of what happened during your "confrontation" with the 16 year-old.

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