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Shy FX and Andy C last night!


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So who else went to Plug last night for this?


I thought it was amazing and had such a wicked time!! Didn't get in til 6am though so feeling a bit worse for wear now...


I love the Drum n Bass we get in Sheffield - we're pretty damn lucky!


Funky xx

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Missed Andy C, as I was on the date from hell at the time. I'm gutted, especially as I'd been looking forward to this all week, and instead I spent my night looking for an escape route away from this girl.


Yeah, we are pretty lucky with the DnB we get here. The lsat few times I've been at the Tuesday Club, I've spent most of my time in the small room listening to the residents playing. There was a period a few years ago though when DnB was hardly on, and when it was punter apathy meant most nights stopped at about 3 generally.

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  • 1 month later...
Missed Andy C, as I was on the date from hell at the time. I'm gutted, especially as I'd been looking forward to this all week, and instead I spent my night looking for an escape route away from this girl.


I know I'm a bit late here, forgot I'd even started the thread. So anyway (if you can remember) what made it the date from hell? Did you manage to catch DJ Hype at Plug last friday? Cos that was brilliant too. Plug have some more good sounding Fridays in April as well. (I don't work for them I promise!)

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Oh friggin ell. I missed Andy C :cry:


You are right about the amount of DnB we get up here though, theres masses of it, although Ive got to say it isnt very well advertised :(


I don't think it's well advertised either. Gotta keep your eyes open and I've started actually keeping the flyers I get at the end of a night.


You should also try the Earl for DnB if you haven't already

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yo yo yo. glad you guys enjoying the d&b on the friday nights at plug, everyone so far has been unreal...keep up the good work and support people :-).


here is the monster of a lineup coming up in April...DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!




£5 before 11pm


£8 advance tickets





10pm- Late

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