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Does anyone work for jobcenter plus

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im asking this for a friend if they was claiming jsa would they be able to do volountry work or work experience at a company if they was willing to let them with no wages and would they still be able to claim jsa while they was doing volountry work or work experience

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im asking this for a friend if they was claiming jsa would they be able to do volountry work or work experience at a company if they was willing to let them with no wages and would they still be able to claim jsa while they was doing volountry work or work experience


If there was a possible job at the end of the work experience than he could say it is a sort of work trial thing, I'm sure the jobcentre run similar schemes themselves.

If it was just to get work experience than I'm not sure if they would allow it.

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im asking this for a friend if they was claiming jsa would they be able to do volountry work or work experience at a company if they was willing to let them with no wages and would they still be able to claim jsa while they was doing volountry work or work experience


You can do as much voluntary work as you want now (it used to be no more than 16 hours/week max) - providing you still do your required job search, and when you do find a job you leave the voluntary work immediately to start work...


Oh, and you need to declare it, but it won't affect anything...

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im asking this for a friend if they was claiming jsa would they be able to do volountry work or work experience at a company if they was willing to let them with no wages and would they still be able to claim jsa while they was doing volountry work or work experience


How volunteering affects your benefits


Volunteering shouldn’t affect your right to benefits. As long as the only money you receive is to cover your volunteering expenses, such as travel.


There are no limits on the amount of time you can volunteer for, as long as you continue to meet the conditions of the benefit or tax credit you are receiving.


For example, if you receive Jobseekers Allowance you must


still be actively seeking a full-time job

able to attend job interviews at 48 hours' notice

be available to work at one week’s notice




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