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Workers from Bulgaria and Romania up 26%

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Quite right. It was the war criminal/Murdoch lapdog Tony Blair.






Where does it say Murdoch or Blair and what kind of site is that anyway? I don't see Cameron kicking them out, do you? Besides, this is a recent development of which the UK had as much input as other member states, maybe less because the rest of the EU hate us but want our money so maybe they're prepared to put up with us. Until now Bulgarians and Romanians were subject to immigration control (visas). I don't want them here claiming UK benefits having put nothing into the pot, but I can see employers wanting them, don't they work for less, or so we are told, so why wouldn't employers want them? It seems some people want them but they don't.

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As the population declines unemployment will fall as will the cost of public services, but tax receipts won't so our ability to pay down the debt becomes easier.


Quite. It does worry me that certain sections seem to be rightly concerned with genuine unemployed people struggling to find work and thus become contributors to and not a drain on public funds, but at the same time champion the "right" of the elites to import millions of dirt poor foreigners who'll live in a shed and work for thrupence happeny a week to compete for those same jobs.


You have to wonder whose side they are really on.

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Quite. It does worry me that certain sections seem to be rightly concerned with genuine unemployed people struggling to find work and thus become contributors to and not a drain on public funds, but at the same time champion the "right" of the elites to import millions of dirt poor foreigners who'll live in a shed and work for thrupence happeny a week to compete for those same jobs.


You have to wonder whose side they are really on.


Doesn't the NMW prevent them working for less than a british person?

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Doesn't the NMW prevent them working for less than a british person?


Not if they are geniune self employed (I could pay you to let me work for you if I choose), or non-genuine self employed (more usual) where they declare as self emplyed and work on contracts which are effective employed there is no NMW, if they have substandard crowded accommodation included as part of the contract and deducted from wages that especially in gangmaster work drops the actual real wage way below minimum wage and firms can charge all sorts of fees legally which further reduce the wage, for example "training courses in English" that don't actually happen but get taken off wages and the osties will never complain about.


Businesses ain't hiring people who no speaka da lingo because they are cosmopolitan, they do it because it's cheap.

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Doesn't the NMW prevent them working for less than a british person?

To some extent, but it keeps wages low, so many jobs pay NMW today that paid far more in the past and still would today if not for mass immigration.


There are immigrants working illegally for less than the NMW as well.

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but Bulgarian,Hungarian#s etc are a different kettle of fish


They are the same 'kettle of fish' as any other nation,because they are all individuals,good,bad and indifferent,generalising its people doesn't judge a nation,or why would UK employers and businesses be employing them in increasing numbers as the latest figures show?

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And there's a culture difference. In Europe, especially Eastern, its much more common for families to share houses, really cram them in, convert living rooms to bedrooms and the like.


My Polish colleagues lived like this in order to save or send home more money - they rented a three bedroom semi in the local area and slept a family of three or four in each double bedroom. It wasn't squalid in any way, but "cosy".


That isn't the British way.


No. but it used to be when I was a kid.

My Mum and Auntie and my cousin and I slept in one bedroom, because the men were away in the War, Grandma and Grandad were in another bedroom, and we all shared the house....

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Doesn't the NMW prevent them working for less than a british person?


As made clear in the article that I linked, the supermarkets are leading the charge to get rid of the Agricultural Wages Board (many E. Europeans do this kind of work) which guarantees slightly higher wages than the NMW.

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