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Workers from Bulgaria and Romania up 26%

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You might want to read this. But remember it is a blog and therefore a personal view based on a few facts? http://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/food-banks-is-cameron-on-the-money


It doesn't mention in the story or the verdict that the coalition allowed job centres to advertise the services of foodbanks. Perhaps this idea which seemed like a good one will backfire on them.

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Well, like I said, I'm not sure where the figures come from but like the blogger said, which was basically 1 x 10 is not a lot compared to what has happened since the coalition seized power. I don't think you've read it have you?




"Three things immediately become clear. Mr Cameron is absolutely right to say that the numbers of people being fed by food banks went up tenfold on Labour’s watch. There were fewer than 3,000 users in 2005/06 and more than 40,000 by the end of 2009/10.


But we are talking about relatively low numbers, so putting things in terms of percentages makes the increase sound bigger.


Compare that with the rise after the coalition comes to power: from 40,898 in 2009/10 to 128,697 in 2011/12."


Whichever way you look at it it isn't good.


Yes I've read it..I actually saw it before I made my original post....maybe many reasons why the figure is higher..more people knowing about them for one..who knows...? Did you know they existed before the past couple of years?

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Yes I've read it..I actually saw it before I made my original post....maybe many reasons why the figure is higher..more people knowing about them for one..who knows...? Did you know they existed before the past couple of years?


They've been around for donkeys years in one context or another

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Lazy and/or think we're too good for the job.


Main problem is sky high benefits, why slog your guts out picking onions in a field when you can earn the same money sat on your arse at home watching telly???


Don't blame them personally, if I were in that situation I'd make the same choice.


A similar thing is happening in Portugal... not to the same extent I guess. The unemployment rate there is ridiculously high like a few european countries. But companies and businesses there are having problems finding anyone to do the same types of work - i.e. low paid jobs. On the programme it showed restaurant and club owners saying that they were having to employ foreigners as their pay rates made benefits a better option for their own young people. I don't know anything about the benefits system there though. So I can't make any judgments on that.

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up 26% excellent....due to decreasing wages for unskilled and semi-skilled labour soon even the Middle Class will be able to afford foreign domestic servants...

It's going to become like "upstairs downstairs "for us all...


I think the muslim family next door to my sister are already employing a romanian maid!:D


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 14:59 ----------


How many UK citizens are unable to work, and how many are actually meant to be looking for work? Are these figures changing over time?



A study by Migration Watch UK several years ago found that a combination of benefits and immigrant labour willing to work for low wages was creating an underclass of discouraged British workers.The higher the level of immigration in an area the harder it was for the unemployed to come off JSA . A single person under 25 on the minimum wage was only £10.00 a day better off than non – working person . By contrast a Pole on the minimum wage in Britain was picking up four to five times what they would earn at home and by living in multi-occupancy accommodation could send considerable sums back to their families .

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up 26% excellent....due to decreasing wages for unskilled and semi-skilled labour soon even the Middle Class will be able to afford foreign domestic servants...

It's going to become like "upstairs downstairs "for us all...


I think the muslim family next door to my sister are already employing a romanian maid!:D


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 14:59 ----------




A study by Migration Watch UK several years ago found that a combination of benefits and immigrant labour willing to work for low wages was creating an underclass of discouraged British workers.The higher the level of immigration in an area the harder it was for the unemployed to come off JSA . A single person under 25 on the minimum wage was only £10.00 a day better off than non – working person . By contrast a Pole on the minimum wage in Britain was picking up four to five times what they would earn at home and by living in multi-occupancy accommodation could send considerable sums back to their families .


So by using immigrant labour instead of home grown labour we actually increase the amount of non contributors instead of decreasing them.

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So by using immigrant labour instead of home grown labour we actually increase the amount of non contributors instead of decreasing them.


.in europe there is a great disparity among nations, particularly in terms of wealth, wage levels and access to suitable and appropriate social services such as medical care and welfare. The 'grandoise ambitions' of the EU is to level the playing field by decreasing these disparities across the entire continent. One way that this aim is being acheived is through the free movement of people and labour directive, where citizens of poorer nations such as Romania and Bulgaria are free to re-locate to considerably wealthier nations such as the UK where they can earn much more than they ever could at home. They will then either send or bring back the money they have earned in the UK and invest it in their local economies, helping to make their countries wealthier. Also, some of the very poorest from across Europe will permanently relocate to the UK where they will be supported by the more than generous and relatively well funded British welfare system and cease to be a burden on their countries of origin who can scarcely afford a sufficient 'safety net' for their own citizens .

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Whichever argument you choose, they'll try to get into a western nation by legal means or illegally. I'm not sure what the percentage trying to access the UK in comparison to countries like France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc. I wonder if the impact of English speaking TV programmes has any influence of their choice of destination? That includes US programmes. What percentage of people from French speaking nations such as DR Congo, Ivory Coast, Niger etc intend on making France their own?

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