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BBC One Show - Covered modern day slavery of young 'professionals'.

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Do you get a good job following an apprenticeship though? The chances are you'll probably end up a lowly electrician or plumber, that sort of thing. How are they going to afford a deposit on an appreticeship wage? I'm not saying you're entirely right or wrong but what you're doing is assuming everyones' circumstances are the same.


Mecky, you do spout nonsense, people have far more chances of getting a job after completing an apprenticeship, how many apprentices do you know who bought a house whilst they were on the apprenticeship?

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I'm really not Mecky. There are young lads doing apprenticeships during the day and working in bars at night, delivering pizzas, working in fast food restaurants, doing whatever to EARN MONEY. Yes it sucks, but they're young, if they haven't got the energy between 16-25 they're not going to fair very well in this life. Or, finish the apprenticeship, get a job, start up on your own, whatever.


2 young people with £5000 each at 22 with a joint salary of ONLY £20k can buy a £90,000 house. Look on rightmove, they're are loads of them. I would have been overjoyed to own one of those houses at 22. Remember, it's only listed at £90-£100k so you're not even going to offer that. Keep putting in offers and you'll soon have a house for £75k.


£10,000 deposit between 2 people and £65,000 mortgage = less than £350 per month.


How anyone can moan about that I don't know.


Who is talking about 2 people? See what I mean? You are assuming everyones' circumstances are the same. And BTW 2 x £5,000 is £10,000 and not £20,000

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Who is talking about 2 people? See what I mean? You are assuming everyones' circumstances are the same. And BTW 2 x £5,000 is £10,000 and not £20,000


Where have I put 2 x £5000 is £20,000?


And if you read my next post, yes, it is also possible if you're single.

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And that is the problem. People want a nice house in a nice convenient area near to where they work from day 1. It's simply not going to happen if you're low paid. It never happened for ANY generation when they were starting out in life unless they got help from mum and dad.


Anyone with an income of £12k to £25k can buy a house thus paying far less in rent and enjoy the rise in house prices and move up the ladder. It's very simple and very easy.


I think if you earn the average wage you should quite reasonably aspire to a decent property in a fairly nice area, not a craphole in a high crime area with rubbish schools and services.


I bought in my mid 20s in a nice enough area in a good location. No help from mum or dad. So yes it has happened to previous generations, in fact most of them since private house ownership became more common. I had loads of mates and people I know who bought at the same time.


Can I ask how old you are? If you're mid to late 40s like me you will know a lot of people with very nice houses bought at much lower prices and multiple of income than people have to shell out now.

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The key word here is aspire.


Nothing wrong with that. Trouble is, 'can't afford a house' often translates to:


'Well, yes we can, but we want a three bed semi, in a nice area with a garage, a nice view and preferably an en-suite...'.


People appear to have unrealistic ideas over what their first house is going to be like. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to a house like that, but it seems to me that many want to skip the bit where you start small and realistic and then move on.

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The key word here is aspire.


Nothing wrong with that. Trouble is, 'can't afford a house' often translates to:


'Well, yes we can, but we want a three bed semi, in a nice area with a garage, a nice view and preferably an en-suite...'.


People appear to have unrealistic ideas over what their first house is going to be like. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to a house like that, but it seems to me that many want to skip the bit where you start small and realistic and then move on.


A young chap I know, lives with his girlfriend both working, joint earnings about 30k. They bought a small terrace house, renovated it. Sold it moved up, then a decrepit semi, same again, now, using the government scheme have a nice new house where they will stay. They have a few quid in the bank, took a nice holiday this year. Hard working, frugal and sensible. No debt (bar mortgage). If they can afford something they go without until they can.


Young people living the old fashioned way. It works.

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The key word here is aspire.


Nothing wrong with that. Trouble is, 'can't afford a house' often translates to:


'Well, yes we can, but we want a three bed semi, in a nice area with a garage, a nice view and preferably an en-suite...'.


People appear to have unrealistic ideas over what their first house is going to be like. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to a house like that, but it seems to me that many want to skip the bit where you start small and realistic and then move on.


What bit of people not even being able to get on the housing ladder do you not understand?

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Of course they can get on the property ladder. What part of that don't YOU understand. Look on rightmove. Anyone with a mediocre job can buy a house.


I had a look earlier. Like I said people don't want to save for years to pay top dollar for a massively overpriced craphole and then be stuck with it as a millstone round their necks for 25 years.


This is not about unrealistic aspiration. People can tell when they are being had.

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I had a look earlier. Like I said people don't want to save for years to pay top dollar for a massively overpriced craphole and then be stuck with it as a millstone round their necks for 25 years.


This is not about unrealistic aspiration. People can tell when they are being had.


What are you talking about saving for years with a milestone round your neck. Do you even know how the housing market works in the most basic of ways. it would seem obviously not.


2 people need just £5,000 each.

1 person needs just £10,000.


You could probably do it for even less.


There are some Parts of S6 you can get a 3 bed.


Housing is VERY affordable. STOP WHINING!

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