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Mosque services

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I think it'd be distracting for anyone, man or woman, having someones' backside in your face. Wouldn't a better answer for the 21st century be to stop the practice of sticking your bum in the air, rather than gender segregation?


Do you know about the Muslims in long established European enclaves like Kosovo and Albania, they don't have to learn Arabic and Urdu, for their services, do they?


The Kosovan or Albanian muslims would not have to learn Urdu, as Urdu is the official language of Pakistan, but like the older, and earlier Catholics, they would certainly learn the prayers in Arabic, as the Catholics learnt their prayers in Latin up till about the time of Vatican II in 1962/3.


I used Urdu as an example as many Pakistani muslims settled here in the uk, and had Urdu as their first language. The Mosque on Wolseley Road has their khutbah in Urdu as most of the congregation are Urdu-speaking Pakistanis. (same as the Deutsche Lutheran Kurche which meet in the city centre delivered their services in German for their German-speaking congregation)


Natjack, I don't know about abolishing the bobbing backsides... I'm happy to not bob my backside in front of a bloke, by praying behigd him.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 23:11 ----------


Natjack, I am a very committed Christian and this won't change! I'm just interested.


and I'm more than happy to discuss the differences and similarities between our faiths, and promote understanding. I'm happy to explain that which I can explain, as best I can.

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I think if you read PTs earlier thread they do. Their services will be in arabic too.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 23:03 ----------


So are there mosques in Sheffield which have sermons in English?


Yes, Muslim Welfare House, where I attend, up behind the Jessop Wing of the Hallamshire Hospital, delivers the Friday sermon in English, as there are many of the congregation who are converts, and many people of differing nationalities, (Off the top of my head, I can name that we have some Turkish, Botswanan, Somali Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, amongst others, there, for example. we have other nationalities, like Australian, Malay, Vietnamese and Bosnian, and a couple of German ladies)

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The Kosovan or Albanian muslims would not have to learn Urdu, as Urdu is the official language of Pakistan, but like the older, and earlier Catholics, they would certainly learn the prayers in Arabic, as the Catholics learnt their prayers in Latin up till about the time of Vatican II in 1962/3.


I used Urdu as an example as many Pakistani muslims settled here in the uk, and had Urdu as their first language. The Mosque on Wolseley Road has their khutbah in Urdu as most of the congregation are Urdu-speaking Pakistanis. (same as the Deutsche Lutheran Kurche which meet in the city centre delivered their services in German for their German-speaking congregation)


Natjack, I don't know about abolishing the bobbing backsides... I'm happy to not bob my backside in front of a bloke, by praying behigd him.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 23:11 ----------



and I'm more than happy to discuss the differences and similarities between our faiths, and promote understanding. I'm happy to explain that which I can explain, as best I can.


Unfortunately there's many questions I'd love to ask about islam but can't as its deemed racist to even ask a question on here .

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What would you say they were in a nutshell?




well, the prophets from the old testament of the bible, and the prophets in Islam are the same.. such as Adham - Adam, Nuh- Noah, Musa - Moses, Ibrahim - Abraham, Isma'il - Ishmael, Yusuf - Joseph, Daud - David, Suleiman - Solomon for example (peace be unto them all). the Qur'an even has a chapter dedicated to Maryam (Mary, the mother of Jesus, may Allah be pleased with her)


Belief in the God of Abraham, and the one-ness of God. (the commonality of all three Abrahamic faiths)


Belief that there will be a day of judgement.


Belief in heaven and hell.


belief that all the prophets sent by God bore the same message:- God is God, believe in him, strive to always do good and follow His way.




The Muslim believes that Isa (Jesus, PBUH) was a prophet of God, rather than being God himself.


The Muslim believes that a final prophet, Mohammed, (PBUH) was sent by God, with the Qur'an, as the seal, and completer of the monotheistic faiths. The Jews and the Christians don't acknowledge Mohammed as a prophet of their religions.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 23:33 ----------


Unfortunately there's many questions I'd love to ask about islam but can't as its deemed racist to even ask a question on here .


It's not deemed racist to ask a question about Islam.


It's offensive if that question is not really a question, but a thinly (or not so thinly) veiled attack on the faith instead, or designed just to be goading, insulting, or provocative , as many of the supposed "questions" have been, which were posed by certain factions on here.


if it's a proper, reasonably phrased question, and not goading or insulting, then if I can answer, I will.

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well, the prophets from the old testament of the bible, and the prophets in Islam are the same.. such as Adham - Adam, Nuh- Noah, Musa - Moses, Ibrahim - Abraham, Isma'il - Ishmael, Yusuf - Joseph, Daud - David, Suleiman - Solomon for example (peace be unto them all). the Qur'an even has a chapter dedicated to Maryam (Mary, the mother of Jesus, may Allah be pleased with her)


Belief in the God of Abraham, and the one-ness of God. (the commonality of all three Abrahamic faiths)


Belief that there will be a day of judgement.


Belief in heaven and hell.


belief that all the prophets sent by God bore the same message:- God is God, believe in him, strive to always do good and follow His way.




The Muslim believes that Isa (Jesus, PBUH) was a prophet of God, rather than being God himself.


The Muslim believes that a final prophet, Mohammed, (PBUH) was sent by God, with the Qur'an, as the seal, and completer of the monotheistic faiths. The Jews and the Christians don't acknowledge Mohammed as a prophet of their religions.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 23:33 ----------



It's not deemed racist to ask a question about Islam.


It's offensive if that question is not really a question, but a thinly (or not so thinly) veiled attack on the faith instead, or designed just to be goading, insulting, or provocative , as many of the supposed "questions" have been, which were posed by certain factions on here.


if it's a proper, reasonably phrased question, and not goading or insulting, then if I can answer, I will.


Ok then genuine question !

Seen as though you chose to say happy hijabi il ask one regarding that ey ...

If women observing/wearing hijab is deemed/viewed by Islamic logic necessary to prevent a woman arousing lust in a man, why are men also not enjoined to wear a burqa to prevent women and homosexuals from lusting after them? Or is that ok ?

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Ok then genuine question !

Seen as though you chose to say happy hijabi il ask one regarding that ey ...

If women observing/wearing hijab is deemed/viewed by Islamic logic necessary to prevent a woman arousing lust in a man, why are men also not enjoined to wear a burqa to prevent women and homosexuals from lusting after them? Or is that ok ?


Ok, S2 blade.


Wearing a hijaab is not just/ soleley about not arousing lust in a chap.


Hijaab is not the headscarf that I wear. It's about attitude:- wearing a Hijaab is about honouring yourself, and honouring the God who made you. (according to the faith). It's up to the individual as to what they wear, and how much of their body they cover up.


It's about not being a slave to Body / size 0 -fascism, it's about (both genders) being appreciated for their personality and intellect, rather than physical beauty, which is fleeting.


Men are, indeed also expected to keep hijaab. You didn't know that, did you? men are also expected to cover "what is precious", (though men cover from waist to knee, women are asked to cover from the neck down as they have (more obvious) assets that a man doesn't. Both the Bible and the Qur'an tells the woman to cover their head/ cover their hair.


---------- Post added 17-08-2013 at 00:02 ----------


Hijaab of the heart (purity of heart) is more important than the outward dress.


---------- Post added 17-08-2013 at 00:21 ----------


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 22:57 ----------


[/color]Also I didn't know Islam had saints. Who are they?


The tradition of saints is more among the Sufis and the Shi'as in Islam (Sufism is a more ascetic, mystical, contemplative school of Islam. Shia is the second largest denomination within Islam.)


The tradition in Islam is "WaliAllah" or "friend of God", rather than someone endowed with miraculous healings or the like.

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The Muslim believes that Isa (Jesus, PBUH) was a prophet of God, rather than being God himself.


The Muslim believes that a final prophet, Mohammed, (PBUH) was sent by God, with the Qur'an, as the seal, and completer of the monotheistic faiths. The Jews and the Christians don't acknowledge Mohammed as a prophet of their religions.


Do you think an all powerful God could have done a better job of passing his message to humanity?


Was it wise to leave it to one man because in doing so it appears to have caused much conflict?

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Do you think an all powerful God could have done a better job of passing his message to humanity?


Was it wise to leave it to one man because in doing so it appears to have caused much conflict?


A basic belief in Quakerism is that "God" is passing "His" messages to humanity all the time. The quiet meditation of a Quaker meeting is to allow people to listen for "God's" message, and to speak it out if it comes through.

Yet there is a feeling that speaking must be restrained, short and to the point; the "Holy Spirit" does not show off by delivering a message in 14th Century Lithuanian to an English audience!


Alas, some faiths have set a limit on "God's" power to send revelations; e.g., after 200 AD, or after the death of Islam's Prophet.

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I am a Catholic. My question is, is my god and Muslims Allah the same?


If so why all the conflict in the world between Christianity and Islam? We are all preaching the same man are we not?


I watch what is going off in Egypt and why would anyone want to burn down Churches? What have Christians done to deserve that? Surely we should respect one another that both faiths praise the god/allah?


Maybe because it is because we are different and as humans we don't like people who are different to us? For example different colour of skin, white, black or more local Catholic and Protestant (more so in NI) or Sunnis and Kurds.


Sorry, just realised off topic. Delete.

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