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Mosque services

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Yes, Muslim Welfare House, where I attend, up behind the Jessop Wing of the Hallamshire Hospital, delivers the Friday sermon in English, as there are many of the congregation who are converts, and many people of differing nationalities, (Off the top of my head, I can name that we have some Turkish, Botswanan, Somali Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, amongst others, there, for example. we have other nationalities, like Australian, Malay, Vietnamese and Bosnian, and a couple of German ladies)


And can you just go and listen to one of these services even if you are not a member of the religion?

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I am a Catholic. My question is, is my god and Muslims Allah the same?


If so why all the conflict in the world between Christianity and Islam? We are all preaching the same man are we not?


I watch what is going off in Egypt and why would anyone want to burn down Churches? What have Christians done to deserve that? Surely we should respect one another that both faiths praise the god/allah?


Maybe because it is because we are different and as humans we don't like people who are different to us? For example different colour of skin, white, black or more local Catholic and Protestant (more so in NI) or Sunnis and Kurds.


Sorry, just realised off topic. Delete.


I would think that it is from the point of view of a Muslim but it isn't from the point of view of a Catholic.


Yes, I believe the God of the Jew, the Muslim and the Christian are one-and-the-same. The prophets (and their deeds) of the old testament and of Islam correspond.


We have the same Prophets (as I said above) in Moses, Abraham, Noah, David and Solomon etc. (the Qur'an tells the stories of Moses and Bani israel {the children of israel} and Pharaoh, the story of Yusuf {Joseph} and his brothers, and of his being sold into slavery in Egypt, etc)


It is beyond my comprehension, and I cannot honestly tell you why there is conflict between mankind. We have such conflicts, as you say, retired, from time immemorial:- The Jews versus the tribes of the promised land... the Jews versus the Medes and the Persians, and later, the Romans. the Romans versus the Persians, the Spartans vs the Greeks. The greks versus the Barbarians, the Romans vs the Gauls, the Romans Vs the Britons the Picts and the Icenii... the Anglo-Saxons Vs the Danes... the Christians vs the Muslim in the Crusades, the Spanish and the French Vs the English, The Americans Vs the British, the Germans vs the British, the Zulu vs the British... the Protestant vs the Catholic, the Hindu and Sikh vs the Muslims, Russians vs the Afghans, the Azerbaijani, the Georgian and the chechen, theJapanese vs the Chinese.


Angos, how is the God of the Muslim different to the God of the "Catholic"? He is the God of Adam, Abraham, Noah, Isaac, Ishmael, David, Solomon, etc. He is the same monotheistic God, from early history, as he is today.


---------- Post added 17-08-2013 at 19:27 ----------


And can you just go and listen to one of these services even if you are not a member of the religion?


yes, most mosques would make you welcome.

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How do these mosque services fit in with a days work?.




Actually with my politically correct hat on again. When I have worked with Muslim blokes they have taken a couple of hours off at lunch and worked late to make up.


Anyway. I should confess why I started this thread. I am not necessarily a friend of our Islamic brothers and find the violence that is going on around the world in the name of their religion a bit disturbing.


I was told that apparently in this country the teachings of islam are peaceful and tolerant and that I should visit a mosque to discover this for myself. I wasn't sure that I could do that but I am told by Plain Talker that I can and that I might discover something interesting.


Thanks Plain Talker, what you have mentioned has been really interesting. I am and will remain a Christian but might explore Islam a bit further to find out what it is about.

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