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TV Licence rip off-Anyone else ?

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I no longer trust the beeb it looks comprimised and grubby these days but you can draw your own conclusions.


Have you written to the BBC and shared your views?


I get full sky package for £24 a month. Lets call it £290 a year.


So, that would be a "no" then. What do you get for the same price as the license fee?


This has numerous channels, many many dedicated channels for various things, sports, education, comedy, children, news, movies etc.

With this you get many others services, a whole back log of movies and tv on demand


So you get a bit more choice, none of which rivals the BBC, for twice as much plus adverts. A real bargain!


Lets call the tv licence being £145 for the year, so 50% less. For approx 6-8 channels. Few radio channels, bla bla bla. That's it.


I'd say there's quite a bit more than that, if you can be bothered to look.


I can see which one is more worthwhile.


Same here, and it ain't Sky.


---------- Post added 29-10-2013 at 10:43 ----------


Why should we be forced to pay for it?


Why should anyone be forced to pay for services they won't or don't use? How do you think other public service organisations would fare under those circumstances?


Should the BBC cease to exist, those on low wages will pay much more, for much less. Either that, or it's X-Factor for ever ;)

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I would rather the BBC believed me when I say I don't need a licence and not send their Capita goons to intimidate me, thank you.


Just send them an implied rights of access letter and they won't bother you.I have and not paid it in years,no one has been around to this date.:D It is not a lawful requirement.

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I don't pay,havn't for ages.No one has bothered me and if they did, just don't sign owt.


Now now, let's not have this FoTL rubbish again.


If you watch live TV (even Sky, even live on iPlayer) then you need a licence. If you don't then you don't.


If you need one and don't get one then you're a licence evader and you're breaking the law, regardless of who they send round to enforce it, regardless of whether or not they can prove it.


For the record, I think we should maintain a state broadcaster, I think that in comparison to commercial telly and other national broadcasters around the world the BBC provides a great deal of TV and radio content.


What it needs is new management, a bit of sense bringing to the Trust and a proper bright light shining in some of its darker corners.


---------- Post added 29-10-2013 at 17:16 ----------


Just send them an implied rights of access letter and they won't bother you.I have and not paid it in years,no one has been around to this date.:D It is not a lawful requirement.


I believe you'll find, as you did last time we had this discussion, that the Communciations Act 2003 applies whether you like it or not.

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Now now, let's not have this FoTL rubbish again.


If you watch live TV (even Sky, even live on iPlayer) then you need a licence. If you don't then you don't.


If you need one and don't get one then you're a licence evader and you're breaking the law, regardless of who they send round to enforce it, regardless of whether or not they can prove it.


For the record, I think we should maintain a state broadcaster, I think that in comparison to commercial telly and other national broadcasters around the world the BBC provides a great deal of TV and radio content.


What it needs is new management, a bit of sense bringing to the Trust and a proper bright light shining in some of its darker corners.


---------- Post added 29-10-2013 at 17:16 ----------



I believe you'll find, as you did last time we had this discussion, that the Communciations Act 2003 applies whether you like it or not.


Wow, you really are brainwashed.I am not an evader,i just don't pay for something that i don't need to pay for.I just don't give money out to any company, willy nilly.If i wanted to buy a TV license when an inspector calls, then i will buy one,if not, i will politely tell him no thank you,i do not wish to buy into a contract with him and close the door.


Bloody hell, start convicting people now without evidence,deprive everyone of their human rights.What happened to innocent until proven guilty.You would make a great dictator,you just live in the wrong country.


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 09:14 ----------


Now now, let's not have this FoTL rubbish ]


I believe you'll find, as you did last time we had this discussion, that the Communciations Act 2003 applies whether you like it or not.


Just one question Chris.Why is it that myself and about 8 others i know that have also stopped paying using the same method.Has never had a call from any goon and never ever been prosecuted? in all the years we have not paid? not once,not even a peek through the window,nothing,zilch.

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Wow, you really are brainwashed.I am not an evader,i just don't pay for something that i don't need to pay for.I just don't give money out to any company, willy nilly.If i wanted to buy a TV license when an inspector calls, then i will buy one,if not, i will politely tell him no thank you,i do not wish to buy into a contract with him and close the door.


Bloody hell, start convicting people now without evidence,deprive everyone of their human rights.What happened to innocent until proven guilty.You would make a great dictator,you just live in the wrong country.


---------- Post added 30-10-2013 at 09:14 ----------



Just one question Chris.Why is it that myself and about 8 others i know that have also stopped paying using the same method.Has never had a call from any goon and never ever been prosecuted? in all the years we have not paid? not once,not even a peek through the window,nothing,zilch.


You want to be careful about the ad hominem.


I'm not brainwashed at all, I just understand the difference between The Social Contract and an actual contract.


Not paying the licence fee, when you meet the conditions that require you to do so (which, by your admission, you do) is a criminal offence. I refer you to the Communications Act 2003.


Not only that, you're directly affecting the quality of the service that those of us who watch TV within the law receive. It's freeloading.


The fact that you have not been prosecuted is not an indication that what you are doing is allowed. All that means is that the BBC focuses more effort on spending the money on providing service than it does chasing up evaders.


I'm sure if you rock up to a police station and confess to the crime they'll happily refer you to the CPS for prosecution.

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It's high time the BBC stood on it's own two feet, quite frankly there's no good reason for the TV tax in this day and age.


Quite so. All BBC broadcasts should be scrambled and paid for by choice, and if people think it is worth the fee, all well and good. If not, then it folds as Virgin or Sky would do.

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You want to be careful about the ad hominem.


I'm not brainwashed at all, I just understand the difference between The Social Contract and an actual contract.


Not paying the licence fee, when you meet the conditions that require you to do so (which, by your admission, you do) is a criminal offence. I refer you to the Communications Act 2003.


Not only that, you're directly affecting the quality of the service that those of us who watch TV within the law receive. It's freeloading.


The fact that you have not been prosecuted is not an indication that what you are doing is allowed. All that means is that the BBC focuses more effort on spending the money on providing service than it does chasing up evaders.


I'm sure if you rock up to a police station and confess to the crime they'll happily refer you to the CPS for prosecution.


Im sure nay certain the police would do nothing of the sort my friend :)

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That's easily solved. TC could simply fill out a general enquiry (https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/contact-us/) explaining that he has no license and doesn't need one even though he watches live TV giving his full name and address.




^Exactly. Easy stats.


I would suggest that if TC feels that Acts of Parliament didn't apply to him then he surely wouldn't need to bother with the expense and hassle of a driving licence when driving his car and we could pop down to Snig Hill together and see what the Police had to say about that too.


Not getting caught does not mean that what you're doing is legal.


In this instance it just means you're freeloading off the rest of us.


Your freeman waffle is still just irrelevant legal woo. (Still waiting for that proof, by the way...)

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"More than 400,000 households have declared they do not need a television licence, according to BBC figures that signal the increasing popularity of viewing on-demand services only.


Under a legal loophole, viewers need not pay the licence fee if they never watch programmes as they are being broadcast and view them exclusively on catch-up services like the BBC’s iPlayer.


Those who only watch DVDs on their television are also exempt from the £145.50 fee."


How to deal with TV licence goons-




I'll never buy a license again.

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