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Anime Clubs in sheffield


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Was just wondering if anyone knows any details about any anime clubs in Sheffield. Me and a couple of my friends, haven't watched that many anime's but we're interested in watching more and meeting more people who like them and such.


I know Sheffield Uni have one but its a bit far out my way..I can't seem to find any details for the sheffield hallam one either. I did look up the thread which was put up a couple of years ago, but it didn't really help me out that much..So anyone know any anime clubs around which meet up somewhere near the city centre?


Plus anyone got any suggestions as to what anime's to watch? I can't seem to find any on the tv, only one around is One Piece :| I've seen Inu Yasha, Ayashi No Ceres and a couple others..I've heard of a lot of them aswell.


Oh..and I'm a serious webcomic/manga fan...so anyone want to talk about those or anything to do with them, get in touch :)




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There are lots of anime out there that you can go for, my thing is Friuts Basket and Chobits although it has been said that Chobits is more for male teenagers than a mother of 4:loopy: . Of course you have gone thought all the Miyazaki stuff Spirited away, Castle of Cagilistro, Princess Mononoke, Kiki's delivery service,Nausicaa, the valley of the wind and the cat returns - and you are just lucky because they are all coming out on region 2 pretty soon - well apart from one Whisper of the heart which is more a Studio Ghlibli production (as is Castle of Cagilistro)....anyway I'm waffling, Forbidden Planet have got a small selection of DVD's so has Virgin bit please be careful as they have got "legend of the overfiend" in the anime section and "Cowboy Bebop" in the adult section :huh: HMV are good but pricey, but that is always the way.


I hope this helps, oh and I don't know of any other clubs apart from the universities.

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Hey :) thanks for replying.


Eeee! I love Chobits..they're so cute..but I can see how they're for the male teenager...the whole girls thing. I've heard of Fruit Basket, Spirited away, Princess Mononoke and some of the others..I'll keep my eye out for them :) I've been to Forbidden Planet they're more manga, comics and books from what I gathered..which is fine, since I like to read manga (usually online..as its free..). I'll take a look and keep an eye out for some of them :) and how is Cowboy Bebop adult? :huh: Strange people..


It doesn't help that where I am, I don't have internet so I can't download episodes :( (I'm currently at my mums visiting..her comp, her net.)


I'm sure I'll find a club somewhere...thanks anyways ^^

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*whispers sweetly in honey's ear and finds out* try The space center, they have a wide collection and if they haven't got it then they will order it - also make sure that you get SFX because they have got a resident anime reporter who knows her stuff and they have reviews that are quite helpful in choosing new things - also screenselect.co.uk (which is a bit like Blockbusters but better) have got a range (only if you like ordering stuff online though)that is alot better than some high streets and you can always sugggest stuff too.:) :)

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Just wondering...where exactly is the Space Center? I've heard of it, but never seen it :huh: and screenselect sounds great..I think me and my friends will do a weekly sit in and watch some anime if we sign up..I'm up for that.


Thanks for all the advice :D just need to find the anime clubs now..

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This might help to get there



and this is their actual site



and sometimes Showroom where we went to see Howl's moving Castle.

now I have given you all my anime details set aside from setting up your own club I don't think there is anything else that you will be able to do - so let me know how it goes :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there... im a big lover of the anime and manga scene. Another good place to buy (english) manga would be the last picture show in meadowhall.

Are you looking to buy japanese manga/anime also?

there are some intersting places online (As well as ebay and amazon)



or american site



Some sellers on ebay sell entire series of non-euro licenced anime for cheapo prices... dunno about the full legalities of the matter but you cuold check that out too.

Hope that helps.



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Well, not going into detail here, but if you use bit torrent at all, there are fansubs (amateur subtitled - but don't let that put you off - some groups turn out better quality subtitles than the anime licencing companies, the likes of bandai, ADV, funimation et al). Just search google for "animesuki"


At least that way you can check out some stuff and find what suits you, at the very least


(legality is a "grey area" - If it's licenced for western translation/distribution, it's pretty much a no-no. Some japanese studios figure that the fan "scene" is beneficial to them in the way that it encourages western companies to come in and buy a licence for translation/distribution so turn a blind eye)


And that is pretty much where the eBay sellers get their unlicenced stuff from - for free.


As for suggestions...well, the variety is vast so it depends on your taste. However, I can recommend from my own personal preference (they're all a year or more older now, havent watched a great deal of anime recently..)



Phantom memory KURAU

Chrno Crusade

Wind - A Breath of Heart

Scrapped Princess




A wind named Amnesia


Perfect Blue - a well produced horror/suspense, but definately worthy of it's 18 rating


Grave of the Fireflies - Very moving - one of the ultimate classics....


Appleseed (GCI rather than pure drawn animation) S-F..an excellent one at that

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I have most of Chobits on DVD! Just waiting for that April 10th release date of the last one to find out what happens at the end!!


Personally have quite a bit of anime knocking around at home, but would mostly recommend "Ninja Scroll" as a serious film (also worthy of the 18 rating but with a well scripted romance thread and beautiful watercolour backgrounds) and if you like the more comedic stuff "Dragon Half" is awesome, though they only ever made 2 episodes for some reason.


Anyone want to set up an forum anime 'book club' or something??

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