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Never mind the dawn chorus..

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where i live we are regularly treated to a night time chorus of tawny owls hooting to each other. last night they must have been close by as we could hear them over the t.v.

i went to bed early as i was up at 5 for work. i was lying there listening to the lovely sounds the owls were making when the foxes decided to join in by yapping and screaming, this in turn set off my dog which got a stern warning to stop!

i got up this morning and was greeted by a blackbird singing away in the back garden.

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Try living next door to chickens! :gag:


We all know they are yours XD


There is only 1 Owl that I've heard at Oughtibridge as there is no 'twittwoo' Just the 'woo'. For some reason is likes the tree across the road from me, especially when I'm on the verge of trying to get to sleep.


There is something peaceful about it though!

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i let the dog out into the back garden one night for a wee and when the security light came on i saw a tawny owl sat on the fence. as the dog wandered round the garden the owl was watching his every move, not at all bothered by the dog's or my presence.

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