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Hundreds of people 'moved on' in police crackdown

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Inspector Simon Leake, of the North East Sheffield Safer Neighbourhood Team, said they had found ‘hundreds’ of people on the streets.


“There were hundreds of people on the streets. In one period alone - between 8pm and 10pm - we identified over 200 who we dispersed, which officers there day-in day-out tell me is not unusual. There are often more.”


He said one of the aims of the increased police presence was to enforce a Dispersal Order, which gives bobbies the right to split up groups of two or more people if they suspect they may cause anti-social behaviour.


Officers can ask them to leave the area for 24 hours - and anyone who returns before then risks prosecution.


Insp Leake said: “Most were compliant but we found they returned later on, because there was some misunderstanding around what the Dispersal Order means.


Didn't anybody have the brains to realise it might need explaining in other languages and maybe pre-print something in these languages ?


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Didn't anybody have the brains to realise it might need explaining in other languages and maybe pre-print something in these languages ?



I think they have already been doing that for several months with use of Slovak speaking wardens, but its not had much effect. There is a huge amount of residents in Page Hall who are completely at their wits end with what's happened down there. I really feel for them.

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I think the problem is worsened by the high turnover of and sheer number of Roma gypsies who've flooded into the area. Come visit the area and take a look around for yourself (on second thoughts... don't!).


I wouldn't be surprised if by the time the wardens have gotten through to one family, they've moved elsewhere and been replaced by another bunch of new arrivals and the cycle starts all over again. I fear dozens of Slovak-speaking wardens would be required to go around all day, every day to make a difference.


Of course, it would have been better if the Roma were educated in the etiquettes of British life before they ever left Slovakia...


I visit the area frequently and have seen for myself what has happened and also witness first hand the pressures placed on education, Nhs and council services such as street cleaning, environmental enforcement. Only an end to free movement between eastern and Western European countries and/or free access to benefits / education / and healthcare will put a stop to this mess I fear. I don't care who comes here if they can support themselves and their families and behave in a civilised manner, I will never understand why we can't have an immigration system like the Australian one.

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Are the police actually really making changes now down there?




I've noticed the Roma gypsies that usually congregate around the junction of Bolsover Road and Lindley Road clear off when the curfew starts at 9am instead of hanging round until the early hours of the morning.


So it looks like they're getting the message.

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who said i support them here?

all i said theres less poverty here than in their own countries???

funnily enough its called empathy, some people on here dont have any, its a way you can put yourself in some one elses shoes, see the reasons why they do something, understand

THAT DOESNT mean you support what they do


People work and do very nicely for their families in the east. Lower cost of living and lower wages so decent people do fine. This lot are not poor, they are criminal scum exploiting our country to increase their criminal ill gotten gains. So why are you empathising with these roma criminals?

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