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Girl arrested over attack

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I think this girl has made a BIG BIG mistake. Really wouldn't like to be in her shoes. When the courts have finished with her she really ought to consider moving aboard


Rightly so, scum like this deserve a taste of there own medicine IMO, you don't go round hitting old people.

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Rightly so, scum like this deserve a taste of there own medicine IMO, you don't go round hitting old people.


I can clearly remember as a kid the very first attack i'd heard of on an old un, it was a woman living at Kelvin flats who was smashed to a pulp with a chair leg by a gang of youths that had broke in, it was horrendous. Since then I have heard of many many of these attacks and they are always as shocking as that first one.

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I remember years ago some thug tried to attack my gran with a golf club. He swung a few times and missed but my gran told her next door neighbour who knew the guy, he went round to his, beat the snot out him, sliced him a few times then took him round to my grans and made to apologise. The really funny thing is he was also made to clean up his own blood from my grans step right down to his front door. :lol:

Now thats how to deal with people who dare to attack the elderly.

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