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Girl arrested over attack

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Nasty to attack a defenceless old man, I just hope he's not shunned by his community like this guy that had his turban ripped off his head http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/shame-sikh-father-after-drunken-1732795


It's bizarre that being attacked and having your religious headgear forcibly removed can result in you being shunned by your own people? Almost like being raped can result in the same effect. Some of these religious rules can have some very sad outcomes.

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Nasty to attack a defenceless old man, I just hope he's not shunned by his community like this guy that had his turban ripped off his head http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/shame-sikh-father-after-drunken-1732795


It's bizarre that being attacked and having your religious headgear forcibly removed can result in you being shunned by your own people? Almost like being raped can result in the same effect. Some of these religious rules can have some very sad outcomes.


That says much more about the state of his community then the attacker himself.

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Nobody should be made an example of. The harshest sentence allowed should be given to everyone.


In the case of this crime (rare) don't you think that by highlighting it you are actually putting emphasis that society will have zero tolerance.


If it's a common crime then by definition societies tolerance is less than zero. Or, it doesn't matter what sentence you throw at a perp their sensibilities will not be effected and those contemplating such crimes will also not be affected.


Or is the present laws overall doing their job..keeping check?

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]In the case of this crime (rare) don't you think that by highlighting it you are actually putting emphasis that society will have zero tolerance.


If it's a common crime then by definition societies tolerance is less than zero. Or, it doesn't matter what sentence you throw at a perp their sensibilities will not be effected and those contemplating such crimes will also not be affected.


Or is the present laws overall doing their job..keeping check?


What crime would that be, race crime or crime against an old person ?

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Originally Posted by Steptoad

I'm not sure it's such a bad thing that at least one person recorded the attack. Not only did it provide a lot more detail and evidence than witness statements could have done, but I think that the police seem a lot more inclined to work on cases like this that have been plastered all over social media sites.

Of course it would have been even better if at least one person had helped him too.


Originally Posted by bassy

I agree with this if they had taken the footage straight to the police station but sadly they didn't and uploaded it as some sort of entertainment for like minded imbeciles, the fact the police had it as evidence is sadly secondary, but damming none the less


I sometimes think the police are quite lazy about crime unless it's high profile. As attacks on people, and the elderly especially, are becoming more and more common they become less important, so spreading it around the internet raises its profile.

Any right minded person would be disgusted by this attack and not watch it for its entertainment value.

Of course there is always the argument of desensitization.

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