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Girl arrested over attack

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I'm not sure there is such a crime "old person". As for "race" evidence would have to be given. The fact he's Asian isn't proof of a race crime.


She's not been charged with anything racial and the footage shows no evidence of anything racial. His age I think could be considered as an aggravating factor if the judge considered him vulnerable. But again on the basis of the footage despite his age until he lost his footing he was trading both kicks and punchs (she kicked him first so he is more than entitled to) with her and holding his own.


On the basis of what I've seen the CPS decision to go for a simple assault charge on the first strike basis seems the right one.

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Agree with all of you.


This was a disgusting act and I seriously can't understand why anyone would want to attack anyone like this, let alone an 80 yr old!!


I also don't understand why someone (other than her mate) didn't stop her? There were others walking around as well.

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I doubt she will even get a prison sentence, our justice system is so weak.

Common assault, even racially aggravated, if it's a first offence is unlikely to result in a jail sentence.


But then jail turns petty criminals into hardened career criminals with an enhanced criminal skill set. So I'm not sure that jail is the answer to every crime.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 22:16 ----------


Nobody should be made an example of. The harshest sentence allowed should be given to everyone.


What's the point of having a range of sentencing available to judges then?

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The girl that attacked an elderly Asian man, knocking him to the floor and spitting on his face in Coventry has been found and arrested...GOOD.... Absolutely disgusting behaviour and I hope they throw the book at her, I also hope they do something to the imbeciles who did nothing to help the old fella other than to film it on their phones and put the footage on social media sites, poor old fella, I hope he's ok. Sorry, rant over


May I ask what relevance is the mans race in this attack?

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That's a problem with our jails. Prisoners should be kept in solitary, not allowed to mix.


You'd need 2 or 3 times the number of cells than there is now. Which would cost money. Which would upset the right-wing libertarians on here who constantly call for less public spending.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 23:14 ----------


May I ask what relevance is the mans race in this attack?


Race can be a factor in deciding what the charges should be. Racially-aggravated offences are considered more serious. I think it's based on a reaction to what Adolf Hitler got up to but some people on the right still consider Hitler's and this woman's motives to be a bit trivial. You may be one of them.

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That's a problem with our jails. Prisoners should be kept in solitary, not allowed to mix.


It would cost a huge amount more, and it would probably result in many mentally damaged ex cons who would then cost the system even more.


Of course you're not interested in rehabilitation though, only punishment... And the overall cost to society, apparently not of much interest to you either.

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