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Litter - how concerned are you?

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I was walking past this young woman on Church Street on Friday afternoon and she made the loudest noise hawking up her snot and spitting on the floor :gag:. The reason for it's exagerated loudness might have been an immediate dislike of me, but I hope she heard what I said

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I told an African woman who came out of H&M in Wakefield's Trinity Walk shopping centre and promptly gobbed on the floor. There was loads of it, it was truly disgusting!


I explained to her that what she'd done was not only disgusting but also illegal. She replied by telling me that this country's laws weren't anything to do with her and she'll do what she likes. She went on to justify that she could have done it in the shop, but didn't! :o


I politely explained that should she be unhappy with abiding by the laws of this land, she had the option to try somewhere where her behaviour would be deemed acceptable!


She shouted at me, "You are a racist b*****d". Amazingly a few people who had witnessed her act jumped to my defence and put her straight!

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Yes I've noticed more and more people spitting in the street ,disgusting ! Another one that really makes my blood boil is clearing their noses out ,holding 1 nostril and blowing then clearing the other .If looks could kill we would be walking over bodies .

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....................not rally where I live, but in Millhouses park in the mornings it is a mess. often very close to a bin!!! I feel there are not enough bins there.


That'll be crows sifting through looking for food most likely, smart birds I like 'em.


Having more bins would make little difference. If they have to walk to get to it it's easier to drop it where they stand.

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I hate litter, I live on a new housing estate but the communal grass areas and the front of the estate have started to be littered and I think it looks really untidy. I'm pretty tempted to go pick it up to be honest...


Was it Ben Stiller who said, "do it!" rather than wait for the litter fairy.

Litter begets litter.

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On my road there are some steps with a little corner at the bottom. It is always clogged up with what appears to be bin contents, ie clothes, shoes, folders of papers etc. We have gangs roaming the estate, taking stuff from bins, and then discarding what they don't want in this little corner. Every time I report it and it is cleared, it is only days before more appears.


We are also plagued with bottles littering the communal grassed areas.


Why is it so hard for people to take their rubbish home? I have never dropped as much as a bus ticket or sweet wrapper, they go in my bag or pocket and cleared out when I get home.

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