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What’s so bad about slavery?

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Oftentimes do I hear people compare some societal situation with ‘slavery’, by way of disapproval. It seems that whenever there is an economic situation in which a portion of the labour force finds itself disadvantaged, the condign reaction would be to call it ‘slavery’.


But really, slavery has little to do with an economic system in which great labour is provided by the proletariat, which in turn is compensated by dint of a modest share in the profits. That is not what slavery is about. The very objective of the slavery system is based upon a group of people having no other purpose than to perform labour, without there being any need for compensation; the fact that slaves are crucial to a functioning economy automatically exhorts their owners and those who are responsible for them to take good care of the slaves — they being a crucial resource for the system as such.


One need only look to the great civilisations of antiquity to comprehend that slavery achieves monumental feats of great pith and moment. Having a broad resource of slaves to fulfil all the tasks that are crucial for the economy immediately alleviates the national deficit considerably, in that it obviates the need for any wages or salaries to be paid by the beneficiaries of slavery, i.e., society itself. The resulting savings could be well invested in public works, which again would cost considerably less as they would be carried out by the slave-force.


Ergo, I say: let us not judge slavery too harshly. In a properly functioning slave economy, the huge intrinsic value of slaves would be recognised, for they would be kept alive at all cost. I deem it high time for the governments to reassess their stance on slavery and be progressive and forward-looking.

Give slavery a chance!

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Given that you feel so strongly Eccentric, here's a suggestion- simply get together with other like-minded individuals who, like you, see how fantastic slavery is, then advertise your willingness to work for others for no pay.


That way society can benefit hugely from your generous offer to work for free- everyone wins :)

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Well slaves cost quite a lot to purchase, and then one has to house them, they need feeding, and medical attention if they get ill or have an injury. They also need clothing, otherwise they are no good for exploiting are they?


Well today we have updated slavery, sanitised it somewhat, where people now work, and pay their own bills for food and services, clothes and food etc. The only responsibility for a master these days is to pay wages. Fortunately they do not have to pay a living wage but one that would eventually kill the free person. This is now made up by the state that subsidises the wage difference so they can survive.


Its the same system of master and slave, but its slavery without responsibility, as the state has all the responsibility, and the worker is as desperate as they ever were. Fortunately some escape from their poverty and restricted life style, through suicide, which is a slight glitch, as there are always plenty more where that particular wretch came from.


Slavery has a very old pedigree, and the 100 year reign of the Romans allowed many slaves to live under conditions many workers these days could only dream of. Slavery is a way to farm humans to exploit the fruits of their efforts, and exploitation has evolved as exploitation has. Unlike the possibility of Roman slaves to become wealthy, and free today's wage slaves have no such option, just a life of worry, trying to make their wonderful wages last the week. Fortunately Wonga is there to hold beck any possibility of ambition, trapping the unfortunates in a mesh they cannot escape from. If you listen hard you can actually hear them cry!


Obviously beating slaves to death, starving them is a luxury only the very wealthy could afford, so even sadism was sort of an elitist pastime.


How things change over time is a wonder to behold! Civilisation, as in the modern world is built with the sweat, and life blood of wage slaves, who when they are no longer useful, through illness, or damage, can spend the rest of their lives being vilified by a tabloid press, being elevated to being a something, what we now want and need SCAPEGOATS!

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