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Names of bygone beers

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John Smiths old ale was a bottled beer a bit like gold label barley wine, but not as strong. In my early drinking days at the end of the night, some people would get their last pint and put a gold label barley wine into it. A bit like having a chaser so to speak. In the club where I drank people used to put a John Smiths old ale into their last pint of the night. Especially if the beer was John Smiths Magnet.

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John Smiths old ale was a bottled beer a bit like gold label barley wine, but not as strong. In my early drinking days at the end of the night, some people would get their last pint and put a gold label barley [/b]wine into it. A bit like having a chaser so to speak. In the club where I drank people used to put a John Smiths old ale into their last pint of the night. Especially if the beer was John Smiths Magnet.


My dad to a T.

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Final Selection.....in a nip bottle (1/3rd of a pint) it was dark and brewed by Whitbread.


Around the label at the botton it read....(discretion should be used when consuming due to its high alcohol content).

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Gold Label and Barley Wine are legends in Sheffield drinking. Everything said about their potency are true.

I was working in Jersey a long time ago and I went in a boozer; had a 'brown boiler' and then asked for a Barley Wine, drank it, but the bartender wouldn't let me have another.

It wasn't that I was falling all over the place or creating trouble or anything(I was the only customer) but I was brought up on the stuff.

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not seen English ale for ages


But never to forget original Wards Bitter not the stuff brewed under licence


And what about Camerons


We used to call it camerons crap untill we found a pub in york that sold it,must have been a hard one to look after like wards.

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