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11 Gallon Beer Kegs

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I have just converted my garage with into a bar.


Does anyone know any suppliers of 11 gallon kegs i could use that deliver to Sheffield.




Bradfield brewery might sell you one, but i think you need to drink it pretty quick before it goes off( 11 gallon=88 pints by my reckoning).



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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If you make your own beer, then (assuming it's drinkable) you could put it in 20litre ball-lock keg like this one.


(They are available second-hand for about half the price of a new one.) (Previously used to store concentrates for fizzy drinks.)


(You'll probably still need a bit of help to drink the keg before it goes off. ;))

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Be careful you don't get into trouble from the authorities, if they think you are accepting payment from your friends for the beer they might penalise you for selling alcohol without a license :rolleyes:

There was a man in the papers a while ago with a bar in his shed I think.

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Bradfield brewery might sell you one, but i think you need to drink it pretty quick before it goes off( 11 gallon=88 pints by my reckoning).



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Beer doesn't come in kegs. It comes in casks. Keg beer comes in kegs and is inert muck that you won't get from Bradfield.



Makro sell 11 gallon kegs of fizzy keg beer.


To be honest if starting a home bar Key Keg is probably the least trouble and you get far better beer than keg. Thornbridge will supply the whole caboodle.



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