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Ryanair on line check in

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What do Ryanair call Castle Donnington? - Is it 'Birmingham'?


When I flew regularly with Ryanair, I lived (at one end) in Norfolk - about an hour's drive from Stansted (which, as far as I was aware, was in Essex at that time.) At the other end, I lived in Casteau - about half an hour from Charleroi.


According to Ryanair, I flew from London to Brussels. - I never went near either .


It is a wonder the name has not been changed to EastMidlands Outer London Airport, I saw yesterday that Southend is called London Southend airport.

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Would that be the Singapore Airlines flights between Manchester and Munich, they have 5th freedom rights to sell tickets between the two cities as a tag on to the service between Singapore and Manchester. I've taken this flight a few times myself and the service has been excellent.


That's the one. - It's an early start from this end, (but then again if I go with another affordable airline, it's a late start - you takes yer choice.) It's rather better on the way back. All Sheffield needs now is a decent road to Manchester Airport. (One that doesn't have long lines of stationary traffic on it.)

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on the phone for less than a minute (10p a minute) spelling corrected free of charge, taking out 1 letter is not classed as a name change and we hadn`t done the on line check in


Good to know for future reference, we fly ryanair all the time. I think they are fine if you don't take luggage and just need a cheap flight. Don't know how long this will last as there are rumours of all sorts of changes with flight charges with all the airlines. Lets hope all stays the same as it is for a long while yet :)

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we don`t normally have a problem with them, but we always pay the £10 for the extra leg room seats, it also gives you priority boarding, so no having to run to the departure gate, its a lot less stressful. And another little tip always book the outward and return journeys separate, if it says for example £40 to come back and £10 extra leg room,the return journey will be in euros eg it will be 40 euros and 10 euros for the return journey, not a lot but if it is a family it can make a differance

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we don`t normally have a problem with them, but we always pay the £10 for the extra leg room seats, it also gives you priority boarding, so no having to run to the departure gate, its a lot less stressful. And another little tip always book the outward and return journeys separate, if it says for example £40 to come back and £10 extra leg room,the return journey will be in euros eg it will be 40 euros and 10 euros for the return journey, not a lot but if it is a family it can make a differance


Always have priority boarding too but never thought of booking my return trip seperate to see if it works out cheaper, I will try that next time. Thanks for the tip :D

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