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Dangerous driving - punishment??

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At about 7am on sunday morning on my way to work. I was on an unfamiliar road and i didnt notice the continuous double white lines on my side of the road. It was a 60mph road and a coach was going 40mph and i tried to over take him. As i tried to over take he put his foot down. There is a blind bend at the bottom of the road. I pulled in way before the bend but not enough to slow down and as i turned i lost control of the car and i clipped the curb which sent me flying to the other side of the road hitting that curb before landing in the middle again.


My car is wrecked and needs scrapping. Luckily no other persons or any other cars are involved just me and my car. I regret it very much and im an emotional wreck. I could be getting done for undue care and attention/ dangerous driving. I need to have a police interview but someone told me they may not even interview me at all.


they breathalised me and it was 0. I wasnt speeding and remained within the spped limit at all times. i dont drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs etc and i never use a phone behind the wheel. please dont give me abuse i already feel so guilty and wish id not done it. im lucky as this could have ended a lot worse. This is my first offence. It was a stupid mistake, a major lapse of my judgement just for being impatient.


People make choices and sometimes they are the wrong choices and this is how people learn. Huge mistake on my behalf i know this.


What do you think the punishment will be? Will i go to prison?? Points on my licence?? driving ban?? fine?? Will this impact my job? Will this go on my criminal record even though its a trafficing offence?

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Due care and attention or dangerous driving? The two are very different...


If you crossed the white line, that is at least driving witout due care, and there is relevnat case law supporting that. Overtaking a large vehicle, and then crashing due to excessive speed (you lost control attempting to brake, that'll class as excessive speed I'm sure) will probably push it into dangerous driving.


Assuming it is, you are going to be looking at a starting point of a fine - probably week and half salary and 24 months disqualification. The overtaking won't help either and will push it up the scale - the solid white lines are there for a reason after all.


Assuming it comes in as due care, that's a large fine and 8 points, ranging up to a shorter disqualification.


You need a solicitor, and you need one now. http://www.pepipoo.com is probalby a good place to go, but all advice is worth what you paid for it remember. I'd strongly suggest that you learn from the experience, which it seems you have, ignore the people on here who will inevitable turn up to castigate you, and get a solicitor, and take their advice.


Good luck.


Edit: Oh going inside - very unlikley. You may get a community order but you didn't kill or injure anyone else, and you are offering contrition.

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What do you think the punishment will be?

Will i go to prison??
I doubt it.

Points on my licence??

driving ban?? fine??
could be either or both.

Will this impact my job?
Depends what Job you do.

Will this go on my criminal record even though its a trafficing offence?


---------- Post added 20-08-2013 at 17:05 ----------


Not long. 22 months. Ive got my fingers crossed i get points and a big hefty fine and maybe a driver improvement course rather than a ban. Im just so thankfull no one was hurt.


In that case I would guess 6 points and loss of license, you then reapply for a provisional and take you test again, you could be lucky and just get 3 points but I doubt it.

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I've no idea why you're asking on here, this is very clearly something you need to seek advice from a solicitor for before you attend the interview.


They and only they can advise you on what may be the outcome, and what you should and should not say in a police interview.

You may want their presence during the interview as well.

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I feel like such a fool. Ive barely slept for the last two nights due to worry. I dont know as to what they are charging me with - i heard them mention dangerous driving to my partner. Im sure all the evidence points to dangerous driving. Mistakes are made and learnt from. Its only been a couple of days but ive done nothing but think about the major consequences of what could of happed. All in time it is me that pays the price. I have no car, severe back pain and bruising. Mental punishment on myself and yet i think the worst is still yet to come! Does anyone know roughly when the police will be intouch if they are going to interview me?


---------- Post added 20-08-2013 at 17:21 ----------


I've no idea why you're asking on here, this is very clearly something you need to seek advice from a solicitor for before you attend the interview.


They and only they can advise you on what may be the outcome, and what you should and should not say in a police interview.

You may want their presence during the interview as well.


Im asking on here because i read a simular post regarding dangerous driving made a few years ago with a good respone. I dont have money for a solicitor. Ive contacted a few but they want close to 800 quid just for chatting to the police thats without attending any interview. I will plead guilty so a solicitor wont really change the outcome of what will happen. So i will need all the money i can get just to pay off the fine im more than likely going to recieve. I just wondered if anyone else had been involved in such foolish behaviour. I know its my fault.

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I feel like such a fool. Ive barely slept for the last two nights due to worry. I dont know as to what they are charging me with - i heard them mention dangerous driving to my partner. Im sure all the evidence points to dangerous driving. Mistakes are made and learnt from. Its only been a couple of days but ive done nothing but think about the major consequences of what could of happed. All in time it is me that pays the price. I have no car, severe back pain and bruising. Mental punishment on myself and yet i think the worst is still yet to come! Does anyone know roughly when the police will be intouch if they are going to interview me?


Dangerous driving can lead to a jail sentence but not always and you have to take an extended re test which is mandatory,I have been done for dangerous driving myself in the past.

I know a girl who just got done for it recently and she never went to jail but has to do a re test.

Danny Simpson from Howells solicitors is who I would recommend, good luck.

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I know it can but it was a stupid lapse of judgement a huge mistake. I know it could have gone worse and im so greatful that no one else got hurt apart from me. I know a guy that got charged with drink driving he got stopped by the police although he didnt hit anythig or anyone he only got a 6 month ban and a fine. I guess it depends on the judge you have also on the day. Im just so ashamed of myself and cant believe i was so stupid but it serves me right as to what punishment i get im hoping its not imprisonment or anything like that.

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From what you have said, there is absolutley no way you are going inside. It's just not going to happen. Rest easy on that score.


At the very worse you will get a community order, and you'd have to drop your pants and moon the judge to get that probably.

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