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Dangerous driving - punishment??

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As THE IRISH MAN SAID GUILTY YOUR HONOUR AND WITNESSES TO PROOVE IT .[ You could ask the the judge to give you time to show how sorry you are ] At one point you said it was other drivers fault for accelerating when you tried to overtake


No - i mentioned the fact he sped up as i was over taking. In no context i have said or implied it was his fault at all. He did speed up. I know that for a fact but it is still my fault for ober taking in the first place

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Some people are very stupid when they are overtaken, whilst driving at stupidly low speeds. I too drive a fast car: when being overtaken, some will speed up to try to make you crash, some will close the gap between them and the car in front to leave you no room, and then gesticulate at you, if its at night some will put their headlights on full to try to blind you to make you crash (really, really stupid thing to do - it sometimes works!). I think the reason people do it, is because they either have an inferiority complex or a very very small winkle.

You shouldn't do bird, don't worry - as long as you don't ask the judge to 35 other offences into consideration! ;)

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No - i mentioned the fact he sped up as i was over taking. In no context i have said or implied it was his fault at all. He did speed up. I know that for a fact but it is still my fault for ober taking in the first place


What kind of P.S. V driver would accelerate when some one was overtaking . I bet he didnt say that in his statetment. If he did accelerate he deiliberately tried to cause an accident . He could have slowed right down and waved other motorist through relising they

were in trouble.

With a plea of guilty you but with mitigating cercumstances could be / driving without due care and attention £450 fine 3 points

Admitting dangerous driving / a 12 months ban £500 fine.

Make no mistake the other driver will not admitt to speeding

Dont think that you will have to face a police interview . You will get a summons to appear at court to plea your case.

Its not the crime of the century /

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What kind of P.S. V driver would accelerate when some one was overtaking . I bet he didnt say that in his statetment. If he did accelerate he deiliberately tried to cause an accident . He could have slowed right down and waved other motorist through relising they were in trouble .


A brainless, small winkled one. Hmmm. Probably doesn't narrow it down an awful lot

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Some people are very stupid when they are overtaken, whilst driving at stupidly low speeds. I too drive a fast car: when being overtaken, some will speed up to try to make you crash, some will close the gap between them and the car in front to leave you no room, and then gesticulate at you, if its at night some will put their headlights on full to try to blind you to make you crash (really, really stupid thing to do - it sometimes works!). I think the reason people do it, is because they either have an inferiority complex or a very very small winkle.

You shouldn't do bird, don't worry - as long as you don't ask the judge to 35 other offences into consideration! ;)


Haha i know thats true! Well i crossed double solid white lines and even though i didnt notice as i wernt paying attention Thats an offence right there which would probably count as undue care and attention. I pulled in before the corner but was going too fast even though i was well within the speed limit. Obviously during this moment of madness and stupidity i lost control of the car. This is the part that would be dangerous driving. Luckily for me i didnt hit anyone and this will hopefully go in my favour. Ill put my hand on the bible and swear id never do anything like this again.

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I know!!! Believe me i know - i couldnt regret it anymore than i already do. No one could make me feel any worse than what i do. I know i could have seriously hurt someone. It was extremely stupid. Im thankful that no one other than myself was hurt

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