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Dangerous driving - punishment??

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Wondered how many would buy into this story.

What do you mean by "you lot"?

Is that the lot that have a suspicious, inquisitive, questioning brain that says "is this troll-BS", "that story just doesn't stack up", "there is no detail", "the details that are given add up to nothing", "no road was identified", "clip a kerb whilst braking and steering is a rolled vehicle. No mention of a roll", "hit the other kerb, bounced back into the road and car was wrecked - how does that happen?", "just what wrecked the car?", "what was the nature of the impact(s)? - frontal, side, rear?"


Hitting the kerb at speed doesn't mean a roll at all. Why should it? You think that the wheel suddenly stops dead and makes the centre of gravity cartwheel over the top? No chance, the suspension will collapse and deform, the wheel shatter, but there is no certainty of a roll at all


Had the licence 22 months - young driver, probably a cheap second hand car. Mash the kerbs and bend the steering rack, crumple the wings, wishbones, few bent wheels - easy to write a car off without doing that much overall damage to it, and not rolling it either.

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At about 7am on sunday morning on my way to work. I was on an unfamiliar road and i didnt notice the continuous double white lines on my side of the road. It was a 60mph road and a coach was going 40mph and i tried to over take him. As i tried to over take he put his foot down. There is a blind bend at the bottom of the road. I pulled in way before the bend but not enough to slow down and as i turned i lost control of the car and i clipped the curb which sent me flying to the other side of the road hitting that curb before landing in the middle again.




Did you actually pass a driving test? - Your post suggests you shouldn't be driving on your own.

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Hitting the kerb at speed doesn't mean a roll at all. Why should it? You think that the wheel suddenly stops dead and makes the centre of gravity cartwheel over the top? No chance, the suspension will collapse and deform, the wheel shatter, but there is no certainty of a roll at all


Had the licence 22 months - young driver, probably a cheap second hand car. Mash the kerbs and bend the steering rack, crumple the wings, wishbones, few bent wheels - easy to write a car off without doing that much overall damage to it, and not rolling it either.


How about considering where solid white line systems are in place I.e. where vision, by default, is less than 200-metres. (For solid lines on roads where vision is more than 200 metres, the Council has to apply for special dispensation - it costs them and they have to have a good reason for spending yet more money). A double white line system was in place according to the OP. I'm still interested in what road this story took place but double lines suggests by default vision less than 200-metres in both directions. That's bends, in my mind. And yet the OP claims that after overtaking the coach there was the blind bend crash site. So, a bend after the overtake but no mention of a bend at the overtaking point? Doesn't stack up.

Hitting two "kerbs" rather than the second being a bank, a hedge, a fence, a wall or even ARMCO to cause the bounce back into the road. I'd like to have the road identified, once again, since it takes a special type of idiot to try an overtake on what has been described I.e. no vision.

No reason was given for the overtake, just "made a mistake and anyone can".

Coaches aren't known for their acceleration from 40mph and certainly not on bends and/or where vision is limited AND prior to a blind bend according to the OP.

Simple, classic, ill thought out troll-BS. Very entertaining, though.


As for some of the responses - "not in the public's interest to prosecute" IF it ever happened i.e. overtake totally blind. Just what would then?

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Wondered how many would buy into this story.

What do you mean by "you lot"?

Is that the lot that have a suspicious, inquisitive, questioning brain that says "is this troll-BS", "that story just doesn't stack up", "there is no detail", "the details that are given add up to nothing", "no road was identified", "clip a kerb whilst braking and steering is a rolled vehicle. No mention of a roll", "hit the other kerb, bounced back into the road and car was wrecked - how does that happen?", "just what wrecked the car?", "what was the nature of the impact(s)? - frontal, side, rear?"


Does it realty mater even if no name as made it all up, its still a topic worth discussing. Plenty of people have overtaken on double white lines and got away with it whilst some will have come a cropper.

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Does it realty mater even if no name as made it all up, its still a topic worth discussing. Plenty of people have overtaken on double white lines and got away with it whilst some will have come a cropper.


I dont recall ever doing it; at least in the last 20 years ;)

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Wondered how many would buy into this story.

What do you mean by "you lot"?

Is that the lot that have a suspicious, inquisitive, questioning brain that says "is this troll-BS", "that story just doesn't stack up", "there is no detail", "the details that are given add up to nothing", "no road was identified", "clip a kerb whilst braking and steering is a rolled vehicle. No mention of a roll", "hit the other kerb, bounced back into the road and car was wrecked - how does that happen?", "just what wrecked the car?", "what was the nature of the impact(s)? - frontal, side, rear?"


Why do i have to identify what road it was on?? U dont need to know that detail nor what car i was driving. Even if i was driving fast i wasnt speeding and yes i should of slowed down. I didnt even roll the car!!! As in wrecked i mean it was undrivable - i popped 3 tryes for hittings curds. I ripped my front bumper off, i hit some bushes and a side was didnt. All 4 headlights would have needed replacing and a wing mirror. So impact was mainly front. Allthough my axels n things hadnt gone and the wheels was still straight they said it wasnt worth fixing. And who are u calling a troll u tit!!! See mr no it all - u no nothing!!!


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 08:17 ----------


How about considering where solid white line systems are in place I.e. where vision, by default, is less than 200-metres. (For solid lines on roads where vision is more than 200 metres, the Council has to apply for special dispensation - it costs them and they have to have a good reason for spending yet more money). A double white line system was in place according to the OP. I'm still interested in what road this story took place but double lines suggests by default vision less than 200-metres in both directions. That's bends, in my mind. And yet the OP claims that after overtaking the coach there was the blind bend crash site. So, a bend after the overtake but no mention of a bend at the overtaking point? Doesn't stack up.

Hitting two "kerbs" rather than the second being a bank, a hedge, a fence, a wall or even ARMCO to cause the bounce back into the road. I'd like to have the road identified, once again, since it takes a special type of idiot to try an overtake on what has been described I.e. no vision.

No reason was given for the overtake, just "made a mistake and anyone can".

Coaches aren't known for their acceleration from 40mph and certainly not on bends and/or where vision is limited AND prior to a blind bend according to the OP.


What the hell is wrong with u??? Have u never made a driving mistake? I didnt over take on the bend you fool. I overtook before the bend and going too fast around the bend made me lose control. Yes i am an idiot i dont disagree with you but i bet u havent lived the perfect life and have done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. The reason for the overtake is that the coach was going 40mph and i didnt want to be late for work. I wasnt conventrating fully on road markings. Yes i overtook in probably the most worst possible place ever but i did ok. I dont need old timers that think they no it all to put me in my place i no exactly what i did was wrong. Its the first mistake ive made yeah it was stupid but i thought it was safe to overtake! No one else was hurt when there seriously could have been so im greatful for that!

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