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Dangerous driving - punishment??

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"A new driver will be subject to immediate revocation of their licence, should they reach 6 or more penalty points."


"It is the date of the offence that is relevant, not the date of conviction. Revocation will still take place even if the two year probation period has elapsed before points are then imposed for an offence that occurred within the first 24 months."






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Why do i have to identify what road it was on?? U dont need to know that detail nor what car i was driving. Even if i was driving fast i wasnt speeding and yes i should of slowed down. I didnt even roll the car!!! As in wrecked i mean it was undrivable - i popped 3 tryes for hittings curds. I ripped my front bumper off, i hit some bushes and a side was didnt. All 4 headlights would have needed replacing and a wing mirror. So impact was mainly front. Allthough my axels n things hadnt gone and the wheels was still straight they said it wasnt worth fixing. And who are u calling a troll u tit!!! See mr no it all - u no nothing!!!


Why won't you identify the road? You created an account giving a full and frank account of what happened, but not where it happened? Then go off on one when questioned on one tiny detail.


Google do this great thing called 'Streetview'. Post a link to the road in question, showing the bend would be great. Otherwise it didn't happen and you are a troll.

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Why won't you identify the road? You created an account giving a full and frank account of what happened, but not where it happened? Then go off on one when questioned on one tiny detail.


Google do this great thing called 'Streetview'. Post a link to the road in question, showing the bend would be great. Otherwise it didn't happen and you are a troll.


In what way would it benefit you to know what road it is on. It was on a road with solid white lines and a blind bend all which i mentioned. Is doesnt matter where it happened. It happened on a dangerous road that it shouldnt have happened on. And i didnt go off on one because he asked me specifically where it was. It was because he called me a troll etc. i dont need anyone to pass judgement and tell me how much of an idiot i am or dangerous it was. The main points are that i admit i was in the wrong and intend to take full responsibility. I dont need you or anyone else to view the road to tell me it shouldnt have happened because i already know this

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I'd be interested in knowing what road its on too please.


It matters because it might give us some insight into visualising the situation and maybe working out why the coach driver did what he did.


But no doubt providing this will just give more rope for you to hang yourself.

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In what way would it benefit you to know what road it is on. It was on a road with solid white lines and a blind bend all which i mentioned. Is doesnt matter where it happened. It happened on a dangerous road that it shouldnt have happened on. And i didnt go off on one because he asked me specifically where it was. It was because he called me a troll etc. i dont need anyone to pass judgement and tell me how much of an idiot i am or dangerous it was. The main points are that i admit i was in the wrong and intend to take full responsibility. I dont need you or anyone else to view the road to tell me it shouldnt have happened because i already know this


Would it not help to put things to bed if you identified the road? If it's just a generic bit of road with no personal connection to you, why wouldn't you, just out of interest?

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In what way would it benefit you to know what road it is on. It was on a road with solid white lines and a blind bend all which i mentioned. Is doesnt matter where it happened. It happened on a dangerous road that it shouldnt have happened on. And i didnt go off on one because he asked me specifically where it was. It was because he called me a troll etc. i dont need anyone to pass judgement and tell me how much of an idiot i am or dangerous it was. The main points are that i admit i was in the wrong and intend to take full responsibility. I dont need you or anyone else to view the road to tell me it shouldnt have happened because i already know this


The main point would have also been where it happened.


Do you enjoy the attention?

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The main point would have also been where it happened.


Do you enjoy the attention?


Why?? Ive given you details of the road. If i post a photo of the road it could potentially identify me as a person to someone reading this thread that is why. Im ashamed of what ive done. Why would i make up such a story for attention??? I asked your views on to the punishment side of things for the crime commited - not a lecture on rights or wrongs of the situation. If people believe i shouldnt be on the road and my licence to be revoked and to resit another test than so be it. I know i could of potentially kill someone and having that hang over your head alone is enough to make anyone think twice about doing what i did. Ive learnt a few valuable lessons from this experience.

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Why?? Ive given you details of the road. If i post a photo of the road it could potentially identify me as a person to someone reading this thread that is why..


If you end up in court everyone will know who you are anyway... or will have the ability to find out...

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