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Night classes/evening courses


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Are there any night classes or evening courses due to start up any time soon? I'm particularly interested in writing, or philosohpy, or something along those lines, but if there were a series to choose from that would be good...

I looked at the Lifelong Learning institute but it seems most of those start in September. Are there any other options?


I'm also interested in physical exercise that isn't 'traditional' sport, that offer a strong social side as well. My sister in London is learning 'circus' activites, such as juggling, trapeze, etc... anything like that in sheffield ? (not necessarily a circus!)


I suppose I'm looking for social and interesting activities... many people my age (24) socialise by getting drunk down the bar every night, and despite trying it's really not my thing and I'd like some alternate ways of socialising, especially with people around my age!



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