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Can the council sell public roads to private companies?

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YES...Remember you are all just another commodity, but sadly mainly worthless in the age when high frequency trading, provides govenment funds. Who needs people anyway, except to clean the streets, adn bury the neglected dead, in the overstretched social secor, which is a waste of money anyway.

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Still a public highway as far as I am aware.

There was a temporary closure order whilst the works were ongoing, but that has expired.


There are signs up now, as you get towards the bottom of this road, saying restricted access (or restricted parking). The resident who spotted me, also said it was private property (of course, that in itself, doesn't make it so).


Will try and take a photo next time I'm there. Any idea how I can find out definitively, what the status (public or private) of the road is now?

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There are signs up now, as you get towards the bottom of this road, saying restricted access (or restricted parking). The resident who spotted me, also said it was private property (of course, that in itself, doesn't make it so).


Will try and take a photo next time I'm there. Any idea how I can find out definitively, what the status (public or private) of the road is now?


You can e-mail:




There should be a list of public roads on here:


.. but it appears to have gone walkabout.

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