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"Disruptive Children and their inconsiderate parents not welcome"

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I understand what you mean but it looks like you want it both ways. No brats nor any means to stop brats. The days of British 'don't make a fuss' are gone. Society is now composed of selfish relativist individuals who need to be told when they're stupid.


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 08:41 ----------



Good point, as much as I loathe Wayne, Waynetta and Spudulika they tend not to leave their estates. All the stupid behaviour I've seen came from middle class brats screaming and shouting while their daft parents said stupid things like

"Harvey, you're not being reasonable...please stop it...stop doing that Harvey"


Obviously a swift crack is out of the question as momentary twinges of pain are too much to bear.


Substitute this with name Felix:hihi: and I have actually heard this conversation in real life! It ended when the spoilt brat deposited his used chewing gum in his mums hand...not because she asked him to but because he no longer wanted it.:rant: I literally could not believe it! She said absolutely nothing when he did that:o

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...and when they grow up and become disruptive/destructive teenagers we should accept that as well as this is what teenagers do. At what point Mecky should we say 'actually this is not appropriate behaviour?


It's up to themselves to decide what appropriate behaviour is when they are old enough to understand how their behaviour affects others. At a young age they don't know any better and would be unlikely to understand what appropriate behaviour is if you told them. It's part of growing up. Maybe you were born at 30 years old or something?

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I'd be in that café like a shot - on a regular basis. Had too many meals spoiled by screaming brats and parents that think that everyone around them loves their kids as much as they do. It may also be a tactical move by the owner as it's quite possible they have lost custom BECAUSE of screaming kids and their parents. Better to lose the screaming kids' custom than that of people that want to just have a pleasant lunch surely..

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That's what kids do, get over it


Not kids that are well brought up, to respect other people and to behave in public places.


Kids should not be allowed to run about in cafes or restaurants, not only because they disturb other diners but because of the nature of the business - people carrying hot food/drinks to tables, whether waiting staff or self service - the liberal minded parents would be the first to cry blame when their child ends up "expressing" themselves in the burns department.


I avoid Damons restaurant for this very reason and also, The Broadfield pub seems to have an above average amount of dippy hippy types who allow everyone else to babysit their rowdy precocious kids while they nurse their pints and chat away, oblivious to the disruption around them.


My late mum would never let them get away with it and would often say, very loudly " you're a naughty boy/girl aren't you"? Most of the time it made no difference to the parents of these mini hooligans as they were just to engrossed in whatever they were doing to even notice.

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It's up to themselves to decide what appropriate behaviour is when they are old enough to understand how their behaviour affects others. At a young age they don't know any better and would be unlikely to understand what appropriate behaviour is if you told them. It's part of growing up. Maybe you were born at 30 years old or something?


Sorry but I have to disagree. Kids learn from their parents what inappropriate behaviour is, so if they don't tell them, how are they supposed to know? And I don't see why the rest of society has to suffer these brats until "they decide themselves what appropriate behaviour is "

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It's up to themselves to decide what appropriate behaviour is when they are old enough to understand how their behaviour affects others. At a young age they don't know any better and would be unlikely to understand what appropriate behaviour is if you told them. It's part of growing up. Maybe you were born at 30 years old or something?


The teen thugs that kill each other have all decided what is appropriate behaviour as have the losers in the young offenders institutions.


Habits have to be ingrained while people are children. When I was a student there were lumps who refused to do any housework and couldn't operate a washing machine. Mummy and daddy had left it to themselves to run their lives. They couldn't. Their selfishness meant properly brought up adults had to pick up the slack.

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Sorry but I have to disagree. Kids learn from their parents what inappropriate behaviour is, so if they don't tell them, how are they supposed to know? And I don't see why the rest of society has to suffer these brats until "they decide themselves what appropriate behaviour is "


So does telling them what to do make them do it?

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It's up to themselves to decide what appropriate behaviour is when they are old enough to understand how their behaviour affects others. At a young age they don't know any better and would be unlikely to understand what appropriate behaviour is if you told them. It's part of growing up. Maybe you were born at 30 years old or something?


36 actually but we're not talking about me.


So in your opinion there should be zero instruction for a child as they are not of an age to understand.

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Sorry but I have to disagree. Kids learn from their parents what inappropriate behaviour is, so if they don't tell them, how are they supposed to know? And I don't see why the rest of society has to suffer these brats until "they decide themselves what appropriate behaviour is "


Well said; my parents instilled good morals & manners into me, and I did the same with my 3, and my grandkids get the same. If they do something wrong they need telling, otherwise they will grow up thinking they can do as they please.


I'm all for kids having a good time, and playing out I love it when the grandkids are running round our garden. It's when they do something they shouldn't do they are told that is wrong, if never told they'll never learn.



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