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"Disruptive Children and their inconsiderate parents not welcome"

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If you do tell them, sometimes they never learn even if they understand what they are being told. By all means, tell kids to sit down and not make any noise but the chances are they won't or perhaps they will for five minutes. At the end of the day, kids are going to play, act up and need to be disciplined but it won’t be too long before they start up again.


I suspect some people on here would ask a mother and young crying baby to leave the bus. To be honest if people can't see what I'm driving, maybe they're not too different from kids themselves.


Do you think it's wrong that some people prefer to go to places where there are no kids running around? There's loads of places which are a free for all for kids.. I don't see a problem with places or people that don't relish this...

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If you do tell them, sometimes they never learn even if they understand what they are being told. By all means, tell kids to sit down and not make any noise but the chances are they won't or perhaps they will for five minutes. At the end of the day, kids are going to play, act up and need to be disciplined but it won’t be too long before they start up again.


I suspect some people on here would ask a mother and young crying baby to leave the bus. To be honest if people can't see what I'm driving, maybe they're not too different from kids themselves.


Then the parents should remove them. Their badly behaved children are their problem, not everybody elses.


I was at a graduation ceremony for someone a few years ago. A mother had her obnoxious child with her, who just wouldn't behave. The two of them ended up upsetting literally dozens of people who were their trying to proudly watch their family/friends get their degrees, which they'd worked hard for for years.


It got quite vocal in the end, but it took a good handful of people in various rows of seating to eventually get the selfish woman to remove the brat.

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All the people that winge on here are the ones that won't say anything on the bus.


I didn't realise you had ESP. I've ordered people to be quiet before and confiscated phones. I once threw a youth off at York train station for yapping in the quiet carriage.

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People who have kids think they are amazing and that everyone else will think so too.


I dont have kids as it a lifestyle choice that i dont want yet. So i dont want other peoples kids invading my life.


I've told parents to "control your children" which has had the response "they are just kids"


I always just say "yeah but they are your kids not mine so i dont want to see or hear them in my personal space so keep them quiet"


That's a very naive view of parents as a whole,and one that I think will change if you did decide to have kids in the future.

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All the people that winge on here are the ones that won't say anything on the bus.


As soon as a disruptive child is ejected from a bus they are straight onto Calendar news giving puppy dog eyes on how they didn't do anything wrong and the bleeding heart liberals swallow it.

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People who have kids think they are amazing and that everyone else will think so too.


I dont have kids as it a lifestyle choice that i dont want yet. So i dont want other peoples kids invading my life.


I've told parents to "control your children" which has had the response "they are just kids"


I always just say "yeah but they are your kids not mine so i dont want to see or hear them in my personal space so keep them quiet"


Couldn't agree more ... I get the impression that kids have hypnotic powers and put their parents into some kind of near-vegetative trance, whereby the kids can scream blue murder and get away with it from the ages of Zero to eight. Parents appear to think their kids have some kind of god-like persona which goes up incrementally the more they scream ... rewarded by anything the brats want and lovey-dovey vacant smiles. The baby in the basket effectively becomes Moses.


In an ideal world, when taking kids out to eating establishments, the same rules should apply to kids as they do to dogs. As en extra step, muzzles should be mandatory, apart from the confines of McDonalds or the kindergarten that once was Western Park Museum.

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Outside a cafe in Porlock there's a sign saying "Disruptive children and their inconsiderate parents are not welcome here". I can see where they're coming from, I've had a few meals spoilt by unruly kids, but even though we weren't accompanied by children it put us off going in there as it seemed a bit officious. Would a place like this appeal to you or not?


yes it would appeal to me. i've had many meals ruined by kids charging about, knocking into people and parents saying in a simpering voice "oh don't do that".


if parents can't learn to control their kids, why should other people's meals be spoiled by them?


the sign only says unruly kids, assume the kids who can behave in public are allowed in.


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 12:27 ----------


The Broadfield pub seems to have an above average amount of dippy hippy types who allow everyone else to babysit their rowdy precocious kids while they nurse their pints and chat away, oblivious to the disruption around them..


Yes!! so true. it was my local but i went in after they did it up and hated what they have done to it. artisan pies??!! what the heck is one of those? i ordered a pie and it looked like it had been a frozen shop bought one.

Kids running about everywhere - it was hell. I've never set foot in there since and it sounds like im not really missing out.

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That's a very naive view of parents as a whole,and one that I think will change if you did decide to have kids in the future.


So your agreeing with me by saying that when i have kids i will let my kids invade other peoples space because im a parent.


My kids will sit when they are told to sit and if my baby is screaming in other peoples vicinity, i will take my child outside or away from others.


Id be embarrassed.

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Love it.


I see more well behaved kids than noisy, disruptive badly behaved kids so it's clearly a parenting issue.


Worst thing about it is that those parents are either blissfully unaware that their kids are being little brats, they don't care or they think it's normal.


No, no no no. It isn't normal for a kid to be shouting or screaming or making a load of noise somewhere where most people would expect them to be quiet, it's bad parenting.


And if you have a kid like that you have to admit to yourself when you look at other parent's kids behaving, you have to admit that it's not normal for kids to be disruptive varmints and that you're a bad parent if they are.

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So your agreeing with me by saying that when i have kids i will let my kids invade other peoples space because im a parent.


My kids will sit when they are told to sit and if my baby is screaming in other peoples vicinity, i will take my child outside or away from others. Id be embarrassed.


You say that now but when that little baby looks at you and fixes you with its satanic mind ray, you too will believe it to be an angel lost by God rather than the antichrist. :D

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