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March 1- 0 Police.

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Crime can't be fought by fictional characters. Ask Sherlock Holmes.


How can it be fictional when a person in the clip threatened a policeman with what looked to be an aerosol which could contain anything?

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The picture quality is very poor, like an 8th generation pirate video.


In the long run the police and the state always win. That's fine by me unless you want Britain run by Kremlin inspired union leaders, Michael X, the socialist workers party or the rest of the 57 varieties of fanatic?


The Sweeney point is a good one despite people like Maquis missing the point. As a hard boiled leftie s/he has seen footage of Grunwick and other mobs taking to the streets thinking they could take over in the 70's. The police of the time just waded in without any worries about Chakrabati or what The Guardian would say.

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This video and its accompanying "comments" was placed on Youtube a few days ago -August 14th. Links were also placed on many other sites with similar comments.


The video is over 4 and a half years old.

There is no explanation or context.


The video is of the protest in London against Gaza offensive on 10 January 2009 which resulted in between 1,166 and 1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths.


The protestors numbered in excess of 30 000.

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to be fair to the police they all seemed to be ordinary woodentops and not equipped or properly trained for situations like this,they probably were not expecting this,plus given the fact that the aggressors were muslims they may have been under orders not to retaliate,which judging by their actions or lack of,seems likely,The cries of racism would not have been far away if they had retaliated,I bet if it had been EDL the Police numbers would have swelled dramatically and very very swiftly.

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