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New motorway service station


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Why are they going to build one here, have they not given permission to build one at J33? Cannot see the point of two so close together especially when the one at J35 will be destroying ancient woodland.


Setting a precedent. Once they have built something like that on ancient woodland a housing estate will be a shoe in

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On Friday, Sheffield Council announced a decision about the scheme would be postponed until mid-April.

A demonstration has taken place over plans to build a motorway service station on ancient woodland in South Yorkshire.


The £45m development is proposed for Smithy Wood, by M1 junction 35 between Thorpe Hesley and Chapeltown.

Liz Ballard, from the Trust, said: "It's a huge development, at least six times the size of a normal motorway service station area."


She added: "Smithy Wood is ancient woodland, a fantastic wildlife asset in greenbelt land, well-used and much-loved."





In fairness a lot of new service areas are massive and are often used by both directions - the one at the A1(M) near wetherby is huge and very busy. The new one on the bottom of the M25 is very big too - 35 fuel pumps plus the hgv bit. They're a million miles away from the likes of Woodall. I don't doubt the need for a service area, there's a fair size gap between Woolley and Woodall, and unofficial service area at 29a is well used too.


Just pick a better spot.

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Just build the thing and create a good few jobs. Jobs v Trees, no contest is it really.




If it was just a few birch trees or something you could offset it by planting more elsewhere. Ancient woodland is very different; they are rare ecosystems that have developed over thousands of years, you can't just go and plant one somewhere else. Ancient woodlands vs. jobs: ancient woodlands every time. You can create jobs almost anywhere. Should we build a massive airport in one of the loveliest spots in the Peak District and put a 6 lane motorway to it? Of course not. We shouldn't let economics trash what's left of our countryside.

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