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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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Whilst cycling home from work tonight, the driver of a blue Transit tipper tried to knock me off at the chicane between Tesco and Aviva's premises entrances. I was travelling downhill, so were they. A similar thing happened to a friend of my wife recently. Does anyone else have experience of motorists attempting to murder them - let's not beat about the bush here- by using their vehicle as a weapon?

If I can get an idea of how often this is occurring, I can contact the council recommending the chicane be removed as this puts cyclists in needless conflict with other road users and reduces the safety of this stretch of road.

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I'm not condoning the actions of the driver, but if you're that worried about it.. shave some speed off and hop up onto the cycle path instead.


I cycle down there most days and slow right down when going through there and if needed, use the cycle path.


Pointless contacting the council, they'll just tell you to use the cycle path!

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Judging by the look of the junction, it does look like it could bring vehicle and bike closer together without the proper attention of both users being applied... I doubt very much that several separate drivers are all out to deliberately harm cyclists - I suspect that's just sensationalism on your part - but I think you have a point about the spatial aspects of the junction.


However, with a cycle lane just alongside it, why isn't it possible for you to move on to and use that instead (serious question, not having a pop; please feedback)?

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There isn't a cycle path just there. It starts just after the chicane as you're going downhill (as I was) or just before it going up. Using it (as I always do with considerable inconvenience to myself) requires me to slow down and swerve sharply to leave the main carriageway and cross the pavement. Riding on the pavement where there's no cycle path contravenes the highway code.


Leave out the tired old anti-cyclist cliches please. If cycle paths were designed with bikes in mind perhaps more cyclists would use them (as I always do).


As for sensationalism, when someone delberately aims a heavy vehicle at a cyclist, what do they think the end result will be? Deliberate serious harm is meant. I have a knowldege of the law, and where deliberate serious harm is meant and results in death it's murder.


Please try cycling in Sheffield to see the dangerous hateful and illegal attitude of many motorists before you accuse me of being sensationalist.

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Whilst cycling home from work tonight, the driver of a blue Transit tipper tried to knock me off at the chicane between Tesco and Aviva's premises entrances. I was travelling downhill, so were they. A similar thing happened to a friend of my wife recently. Does anyone else have experience of motorists attempting to murder them - let's not beat about the bush here- by using their vehicle as a weapon?

If I can get an idea of how often this is occurring, I can contact the council recommending the chicane be removed as this puts cyclists in needless conflict with other road users and reduces the safety of this stretch of road.


hang on, if there is a cycle path there why dont you use it? After all, whats the point of it if its not used?

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Why not use the cycle path ? After all you're on a bike......


I really doubt any driver goes out trying to kill people on bikes ! That's just a typical cyclists view !


maybe...but this has been in the news all week just over the border



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because you know what cyclists are like.cycle lane.red lights.one ways .no entries.don,t apply to them.:)


here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..

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here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..


YOU STOP AT A RED LIGHT IT,S THE LAW. so you think it,s ok to break the law shame on you :P

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