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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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Roll on winter when they use their cars or busses!!!


The cyclists I assume?


Because you love having to queue a little bit longer due to there being more cars on the road? Or is it too scary trying to overtake a bike?


I won't be stopping using my bike anyway, unless it's actually tipping it down in a morning, I'll still be on it.

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Roll on winter when they use their cars or busses!!!


I wish i could, i have NO OTHER CHOICE...

So i have to put up with the wet and wind and of course the odd angry motorist

but these are far and few between generally its a good compromise between giving and taking road space.

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I gather that you are unsure of your driving abilities by classing something clearly visible as a "danger" that you might crash into


Refresher courses are available


So you think pulling a small child in what is no more than a plastic wheelbarrow behind a pushbike on busy public roads is a safe and responsible thing to do. ?

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In a park , fair enough ,but on the road is sheer stupidity and highly irresponsible .


Any form of cycling away from the road is preferable. It would have been good for Sheffield to get some of the money for cycle paths, but alas we have been overlooked. There was a guy on Penistone Rd over the weekend with one of those kid carrier trailers on, and he seemed happy enough but you cant help but think of the damage should it be hit by anything. It makes you shudder.:loopy:

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Any driver on public roads who is not driving in a public spirit should have their licence removed until a time they can prove their ability to share the road with other users.


After living in Wales for a few years it did take a short while to get into the towny frame of mind again.


I saw a yellow corsa reg VE12... driving so close to the back of a truck that when it doglegged to overtake a cyclist the corsa driver didn't know he was there and only just missed him. I have the video saved.

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Any driver on public roads who is not driving in a public spirit should have their licence removed until a time they can prove their ability to share the road with other users.


After living in Wales for a few years it did take a short while to get into the towny frame of mind again.


I saw a yellow corsa reg VE12... driving so close to the back of a truck that when it doglegged to overtake a cyclist the corsa driver didn't know he was there and only just missed him. I have the video saved.


I think if you really read some of the different posts, there is a pattern. In one corner you have the Die-Hard fanatical cyclists who wont listen to anything, and will continue to ride with blinkers on. Then in another corner, you have the "Mr Angry" motorist whose sole reason for being on the planet is to terrorise cyclists. The other two corners contain normal people who respect others on the road, except one is a cyclist and one is a motorist.

I wont lie and say I think all cyclists are careful and considerate, because they are not. Sheffield has more than its fair share of two wheeled idiots, and equally has its fair share of stupid inconsiderate motorists. When faced with each other, the public spirit goes out of the window. Barmy! I love riding my mountain bike, and also love driving my car. I ride my bike for pleasure off road, and my car for pleasure and commuting. That makes me both a cyclist and a motorist. But if a cyclist made a foolish manoeuvre near my car, would I be level headed and wave and thank him? ? ? ? If I was on my bike on the road (which I dont think I ever will unless there is a fuel strike) and a motorist made a foolish manoeuvre near my bike, would I be level headed and wave and thank him? ? ? ?



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So you think pulling a small child in what is no more than a plastic wheelbarrow behind a pushbike on busy public roads is a safe and responsible thing to do. ?



You seem to think that the road being busy is a factor. That motorists in numbers are a danger to others.


I'm surprised by your quite extreme anti-motorist views there.

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